Understand My Dreams

Dreams arrow

I saw a big nest ...there were two big giant eagles and they both were ride by a princess and a royal young person..they both are fighting a war against something evil,then at the end of the day the war was ended in a favourable way... The girl got little wounded but it got cured soon.... And the eagle got hurted badly but it is healing itself by removing every arrows out of its wing scales with a spark around the wound... Then I was travelling on a steam boatto see the sun and moon....i saw the sun rise and then the moon also rised but two moons rised simultaneously with bright light and they stood prominent in the sky next to each other...they rised on the east only...

Agents,mafia,gangsters, or somebody is Trying to kill me. they are chasing me endlessly and I narrowly escape every time. I don't know who and why but they try really hard and always eventually find me. people I know help me, I feel like I know them and I don't want them to get hurt from collateral effects. A skinny black guy. Felt Somalian in a grey hat and grey shorts. Keeps asking me if I am me I say no because I know he's going to kill me if I say yes and also asks something like if I'm the guy who shot myself or someone to make sure I'm the guy he's looking for 100% (To the right is traffic lights. Left is barron field.) if I'm the guy who shot my self? A white Cadillac Escalade pickup truck sees me during this conversation and I know there trying to kill me. I fake them out n escape by running. He finds me in the hotel room with people I know. They are having a good time until I see the assassins shoes at the door. Its the somolian assassin. He alone at the door but I feel like he has lots of people. So I jump through the window its a one floor hotel. Try to call 911 but I hit 922 or something. Then the guy picks up and is an idiot. And I try to explain I'm in arizona?(I live in toronto but I think the dream is in arizona?) the grey hat and short skinny Somalian assassin came around the back and found me. He had a sharp shiny large knife. He tried to stab me a couple of times but I dodged it. Not sure if he got me a little bit with the knife or not but I barely dodge it. But I overpower him and have him in the full mount. And I'm about to slit his throat and he changed to my cat (I treat my cat as a son.) as I was killing him. I cried while I sawed my cats throat killing him. while I'm sawing his throat which takes a while I loook at a clock, Then it jumps forward and felt like time was up. It felt confusing and I new it didn't make sense. I hid in the far backyard by the fence. Behind a lil hill dirt pile until I seen help looking for me. I asked for tony soprano cuz I was scared and hed protect me and some people helping pointed him out he was in boxers and a white undershirt with his head in his hands sitting and looked like a wreck mentally. Then I said wait I'm dreaming and woke up.

I was sneaking in the back of a makeup studio while people were coming in for interviews, and the person that was supposed to be there conducting interviews wasn't there. I took the applications and told the people I'd call them. I set my phone down on the computer desk and played around in makeup for awhile. I then left so I wouldn't get caught. I forget why I was walking or where I was going to, but I got lost, and I asked a tiny child how to get back to the makeup place because I lost my phone. The kid sounded like he knew EXACTLY where I was talking about, and he told me to come with him. He found a man who had a thick Jamaican accent and gave him twenty dollars. In exchange the man gave him a pile of nickles (about 2$ worth). The nickles were covered in grimey stuff and the kid took half the nickles and gave them back to him. The man then pulled out a handful of maggots an d put them on the ground next to the nickles (wtf:??) and the kid smiled. At this point I knew they wouldn't know where to take me...but the kid (who was about 8) looked at me and said 'we drive there?' He walks to a car, I hop in, and he hops in the driver seat. He drives backwards over four narrow bridges at CRAZY fast speeds. I'm worried now because I don't have my phone, and my significant other might be mad at me because he can't call me to see if I'm ok. I'm also LIVID at this kid, who despite my pleas won't stop going over the narrow bridges which are a car width wide at best. Finally, I get out and a spooky looking dude with one eye says if I walk north for a minute and then west, I'll find it. I thank him. I pass through a blue bouncey-house on the way to the makeup place and my phone falls out of my pocket. Turns out I had my phone the whole time.

My mom starts dating this guy that looks like Steven Tyler, this guy is really mean and bosses us around. Then my mom says that we are going to move into this new house with him. She takes us to the house and it is a really futuristic house in the middle of the woods. Then we get there and I have to share a bedroom with all my siblings. Then me and my mom are in the house alone, she says we are going to decorate the dining room. But once we get into the dining room she decorates it how she wants to, and doesn't ask for my imput. So, then my mom's boyfriend comes back,----(i had a black out)----and all of the sudden my dad and step-mom were living in the house. We were in the living room with them and we were having a really good time. It was storming outside and the whole driveway was flooded. Then my mom shows up in the driveway, and tells us that we need to go. So my brother and sister go outside, and i said, "No, i dont want to leave!" But my mom kept insisting that I go outside. Then I was talking to my dad and i said that i don't want to leave. He said, "It's OK i'll be fine, you can go." But he was crying as he said it. And I said, "No, I don't want to leave you!" I went over to the window, and looked down the hill in our back yard. There was a Native American at the bottom of the hill with a bow and arrow. I screamed, "No!!" Then he shot the bow and arrow and it hit my dad. I was on the ground crying. My mom just kept saying that we needed to go. So my sister came and helped with my dad, but then she left and went outside in the driveway with my mom and brother. So I looked out the door, and my mom said she was leaving with my two siblings. I went out in the driveway, but it was all flooded up to my knees, and pooring down rain. She left on a raft.

I was on a small plane with a bunch of people. The ripple were mostly from tv shows and a few we're people I hadn't seem in years. We took off into the air and it was storming. The plane seemed to be made of glass and I could see that we were approaching some small islands. The islands wer very brightly lit and it looked like some sort of featival was happening. It stopped storming and it was a really clear sky at night. The plane sped up and we started flying through all the islands narrowly dodging its of machinery and whatnot. Then there was this Jamacan man in the plane next to me and he started yelling at me. "Free people!" Over and over again. Then the plane fell apart and we free fell into the water. It seemed like we free fell for forever. Everyone was happy and laughing while we were falling and the man kept yelling "free people" at me. Then I fell into the water and it was very shallow. I pushed up an when I got to the see face everyone was trying to swim to the nearest island to be apart of the party. And then I woke up. It might not have any meaning, but I woke up and I just felt like it meant something.

I go to see my ex- boyfriend without a particular reason. I see his wife an daughter but they are smiling at me. He is behind a wall in the narrow apartment. When I go to see him he's sitting at a round table with other people. He stops the conversation and takes my hand to get away from there. I can't hear him talk to me but we go in the back room and he says to me something that makes me cry. He kisses me and then I run to sit in the staircase where he comes back to stay with me.

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