I had a dream of my dead uncle who past away a little over a year. I simply dream of him but when he was a child. All he did was look at me and I waved hi but that was it. May 15, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My aunt who passed away long time ago she offered me a beef stew soup and she said it was great and i was watching surfing in clear sea and clear ocean waves with a great girl with tons of bodyguards. April 07, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My aunt who passed away long time ago she offered me a beef stew soup and she said it was great and i was watching surfing in clear sea and clear waves with a great girl with tons of bodyguards. April 07, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Im riding a bike through sand on a beach and then through huge waves in the ocean. I then had to hide in someones house so i wouldnt drown in the waves. March 29, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
An intense dark figure is standing over me, im to scared to move,chased by a man then he shoots me, a large wave comes and drowns me March 24, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a darkish brown church like building. I was with my mom, brother, boyfriend , and a close family friend. We were fighting waves of monsters like zombies, demon wolves, and apes. In the second round I had lost all my family. They were laying down on the ground in a row with all the other dead people. I couldn't find my brother as if he vanished into thin air. I told my boyfriend something but I don't remember what I said. When was walking next to a lake I saw a 2 story house in the middle of the lake. The was an old woman with white wavy hair sitting in a chair at the end of the window. She was wearing a white night gown. She started chasing me back to the dark room where I began. I had an umbrella I was hiding from her under me. There was other people in the room too. They told me not to look into her eyes. The lady who was chasing me said the umbrella was around where I laid and she was gonna find it. She saw it poking out from under me and I gave it to her. I looked at her and she said don't be afraid child. She unscrewed a part in the umbrella and she took this tube like object out. It had a small hole on one end and a big one on the other. The big end had sparkles and colors of the rainbow coming out of it. I grabbed her hand and the tube helped use magically float back to her house in the lake. When we got there I said I had to go back. When I went back my boyfriend was in a white coffin with red, yellow and white flowers. My families friend was in a black coffin with red, yellow and white flowers too. Then I asked the lady who live in the middle of the lake if my families friend and my boyfriend could be next to each other. Then the black and white coffin appeared. The black one was on the laft and the white one was on the right. Then I woke up. April 07, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Vacation, Met new people, on a gazebo raised on stilts, a big wave comes in and takes out the stilts. Structure collapse with all of us inside it. Water rushes in, make It to the exit and swim to escape. Try to run inside home but Ex-Girlfriend blocks the way. Walk away from the house. Carrying building material along a busy highway. I walk through several construction sites, building houses. I reach a large rest area/carwash, with a lot of bathrooms. It's a gas station. Theres a lawn mower with tank treds. March 12, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis