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Dreams sky

Found 674 dreams containing sky - Page 19

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I dreamt that I was in a room with golden, shining bricks all around it. Also in this room, there was a rather large window that went down to the floor. And out this window, revealed the beautiful, blue sky and the bright sun. I wasn't sure where the window went down to, but I felt as if I was very much raised upon the ground, as if my golden-bricked chamber was part of a canyon. I was feeling very warm, almost hot, probably because of the sun's powerful light. And by this low window, I saw hair of my color (dark blond) by my feet. Then, I felt as if someone was pulling on my hair, and I tried to grasp the hair that was closer to my head so it wouldn't hurt as much. Next, someone was standing in the window. It was a boy that looked about eighteen years old. He had a very pale face and pale blue eyes. He had dark blonde hair like me (but it was short!). He smiled lovingly at me, and walked right up to me. He said "I love you. You mean the world to me." or something like that. The next minute, he took me into his arms and kissed me romantically on the lips. I was shocked at first, then I found myself putting my arms around him too, accepting his kiss. The kiss lasted for several minutes it seems. Then, he released his arms from me, and then, smiling brightly and lovingly at me again, he stepped away and descended from my room. I think that I was Rapunzel and that that boy was the Prince.

I was from school going home.i met my younger sister going to the shopping center.i asked her how is home and she said that demons were stealing from them.on reaching home, i found my other sister and cousin.as we were talking, there was a big flash on the sky and on the sky appeared seven images.they were sculptures of the ancient and they stood in descending order.the seventh one resembled my cousin with a shawl around her neck.inside our house,my mother was suffering.she said that her genitals were so painful as though it had fire.i decided to pray but i could not.i tried but when i managed to,i woke up

In my dream, I found myself standing on a small hill. I was surrounded by other small hills all around me. The grass was exceedingly green and the sky was dark with storm clouds. Only... the sky was a pale pink, not gray. I remember feeling so at peace as I walked up and down the rolling grassy hills. Suddenly as I walked down the last hill I came into a valley with what looked like a small city carved into the natural stone. I walked through the pathways carved in the stone, room after room, hallway after hallway. Finally I reached the end and walked into the center of the city. There were cobblestone streets, and dead trees on every corner. The trees were painted a royal blue. I remember touching them and thinking how warm and safe I felt there. I know it doesn't sound like that relevent of a dream, but I find it strange how at home I felt there, how peaceful, and how strangely beautiful it all was. I just want to know what it could mean, and why the most beautiful place I've ever seen, has only been seen when my eyes are closed.

I dreamt of my baby who was born a stillborn..first thing i remember was seeing a brightness almost as if it was the sun... this brightness was so bright it seemed white.. then i realized that, that brightness was the clear blue sky... it was so beautiful.. i looked to see where I was n what am I gonna see next. As I look around From the sky down.. what I noticed was what seemed like broken pieces or a shattered mirrors scattered all over.. then realizing it's the ocean.. the brightness would reflect n make it sparkle like glitter... as i began to look back up towards the sky so bright n clear i see a figure standing among some clouds, wearing white robe with looked like a golden rope around his waist and i knew it was Jesus himself...but then i noticed a golden yellow aurora like light of rays shooting out from Jesus... seemed to be the sun... he was looking down at something with his arms spread wide open smiling... as if to be saying "this is what is waiting for you soon" so i look at what he's looking at n first thing i noticed was my grandfather charlie, my grandmother mary, my uncle luther, my brother alan,my ex boyfriend s father Michael and a baby wrapped in a blue blanket with a white Beanie cap on his head. The crazy thing is all of these people i know n i was close too and they all have passed on n are gone now.. the people are my relations. They were all looking towards Michael happily smiling n interacting or playing with something or someone i look to see what they were so happy to see n and in Michael's arms he was holding and rocking a baby in blue blanket. He was bouncing baby n talking to him. In an instant I knew in my heart that's my baby. I was over come with so much joy and happiness.. my baby was perfectly healthy as can be. Michael is the babys grandpa n the baby is his first grandson he was just so proud. I then woke up crying not sad but happy

I was seated in a hall talking with my friend.the sky was clear and there was a clear cloud in form of a teddy bear.but the lips were moving.suddenly it turned into a moon.inside the moon was an image of a setting sun.then a ring of stars started forming around the moon.then a big storm was approaching but it was divided into two.half of it was dark and the other half was lighter.suddenly i was home trying to run away from the storm but i could not find neither my mother nor my brother.

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