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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I walked into the loft where i saw my friend and loads of clothes and she shouted at me that she hates me and then wario started chasing me so i jumped in a kart and started collecting coins like in the mario kart game and then wario was behind me on a rocket booster and then i got to a roundabout and someone started throwing mushroom pellets at me so i went faster and then princess peach ran out and jumped on me and then we fought but then she K.O'd me :(

Come and watch me work. come and hear me rap. come and see me twerk. come•and•see•me•ill•us•trate, listenwhileIphilosophize n pontificate come and – download my files of massive size come see my photography. come look through my eyes. come in close...and sit *real* still. let me paintya, baby. come-help-me-see-what's-real. kill what ain't? maybe. thisis-just-how-I-feel. Urgeas of late, frankly, is just to kick it real. Enoughaboutme, *starts deep-tissue-finger-kissin-while-I-listen-n-let you heal.*

I was in a land climbed down some stairs that was like a windmill into a room and saw Katie who was ma mums granddaughter who lives in Australia and when a saw her a was so happy for her to be with me in which i saw her playing a game and played with her, it was the end so i said i have to go now couldn't let them see me so i went climbing back up slowly because i wanted in ways for them to see me and to know that it is me but as much as i wanted them to i couldn't let them aniway my Auntie Tracey followed me and a friend which i don't know who it was who followed her, she find me but didn't realise it was me and then i started to shout to loud and she said don't shout to load or some people will come, as if i was a burgular aand people came because they were very protective of them, 'the gaskells' who are new comers. So i started running, a was a slow runner so i wasn't fast enough and i gt hit by tennis balls and one really hurt. They ignored me more and more as much as i shouted they ignored/didn't here me then aniway i shouted to the top of my voice and they understood what i was saying. i was wearing my duffle coat which i wore at college vertally all the time.

Im walking in the streets of manhattan, narrating about how unsafe this place is and how you have to be tough and quick to survive. Im being followed by a man who has a huge nose, full of pimples and depressions and its split into two- right down the centre. He is constantly saying 'ask me anything? Ask me for help!' I reach this central round area, loads of people are there and street performers and 5 star hotels. The 2 nosed man stands next to a violin player (who looks like snape) still muttering the same thing. I try to walk past him but they both block my way and the 2 Nosed Man holds my shoulders and is yelling at my face 'ASK ME FOR MY HELP!' I pry myself free and run but my legs arent moving fast enough its like im trying to run in jelly! Suddenly i have a burst of energy and I run up to a hotel and beg the guard to save me. They come down and grab the 2 Nosed man wrestle him away from me but he fights with all his strength - manic look on his grotesque face, screaming the same thing over and over 'ASK ME FOR MY HELP'

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