Understand My Dreams

Dreams fingers

I found myself helping an old lady crossing the street, the same one I helped this summer when I was in San Francisco. She then transformed into the old hag from Snow White and did her evil cackle. All of a sudden I was running as fast as I could while trying to unzip my backpack to get my cell phone to call anyone. However my legs seemed to be jelly and my fingers as stiff as logs and I was falling into a black hole of nothingness. I began to fade into the darkness until I woke up in my room with my fish tank's filter buzzing as usual

I was deep sea diving with a friend, the water was cold and we were scared. But we made it and ascended very slowly to the surface. Once up, we said "We were scared and not sure if we could do it but we did". We took our picture next the the submarine's propeller and climbed on it. Once on it, it turned into something like a whale and started moving. I was on it's back and I had to dig my fingers into it to hold on. It was so hard but I did then I relaized I had my phone in my hand so I had to put it in my pocket so I could hold on better and not lose the phone. So as it was moving, I unbuttoned my back pocket on my shorts and got the phone and was able to button it back up all while holding on.

It was in an insane asylum, but they were all in cubicles. I think I was being given a tour. One really small girl with dark hair cut in a bob was floating through the air and into the third cubicle on the right. In the first cubicle there was a normal looking boy, probably a teenager. In the second there was a man, who said "Wow, it's like she's an angel," in awe, talking about the girl floating through the air. The boy in the first cubicle began screaming, I think he was a compulsive liar, and saying that she was an angel. He leaned over and looked in her cubical. She was typing in her information, and the boy became very angry that she wouldn't type that she was an angel. He began to yell and scream at her and call her names. She lunged over the cubicles and in the corridor, she attacked the boy. She bit of chunks of him. He got huge wounds that had giant worms coming out of them, but they were like fingers that were pulling on his wounds to hurt him more. The guide appeared and told me to ignore them and keep moving. We went past all the cubicles, to the back of the building. The space was big and open and then the guide said there would be cages, and cages appeared. He said they were big enough to hold nine people. Then he put me inside, and I just thought about how I would be able to survive when everyone else got there. It would not be easy. I wanted all my cell mates to like me. I didn't know how to make them.

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