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I dream my daughter whom is 9 gave birth to 2 twins 1 big and 1 really small one but the small one was first and I didn't think it was alive in the bath tub covered in poo and the second was very large covered in poo but after I HP my daughter give birth I seen the small 1 that was. Covered in a Lot of poo in the tub move his hand and lips do i grab him and begin washing him off also the poo was Brown and had green partials in it-------- that dream is weird because my daughter is never out my care I homeschool her and her 2 bros but this is a weird cream

In the dream my boyfriend and father of my daughter Was cheating with his ex mistress from a previous marriage in our apt. I walked home put key in the door and they were there in the kitchen standing. I feel that they are together and this is their moment to tell me. I'm feel so confused hurt angry betrayed. I grab and pull her hair. I tell her to get out of my apt. My boyfriend doesnt do anything or say anything. I throw her out. It felt so real and I felt so strongly in the dream that they are together. What does this dream mean?

In my dream my mom complained of hearing creepy sounds at 5:00 every morning from my brothers alarm clock and when she asked him about he said he didn't know how to make it stop. So I woke up early so I could hear it and It sounded like we were picking up someones walkie talkie signal. It started out as static then a baby giggling, that lasted for like 30 seconds then it went back to static. after the static was over you her crashing and falling and finally one loud crash and a woman scream then back to static. Then static seemed to go on really long, but then it pick up a low buzzing sounding voice, It was definitely a man. He was speaking very fast and it wasn't English, it sounded German to me. He abruptly stopped talking and it was silent, no static or anything. That was the end of the sounds that played every morning at 5:00 on the dot. So later that day I decided to search the web, to see if I could find anything similar and I came across a video. I clicked on it and it started put as static then a distorted video of a giggling baby began to play then it went back to static, then an old style cartoon began to play all of this was in black and white by the way anyway this woman in the was being push down and into things by other people and she slammed into a trash can of sorts and screamed, through out this whole cartoon segment there was text across the top which I assume was German writing but I'm not for sure. Her scream was cut off by more static, a long period of static. Then the screen went completely black and the deep German speaking began, he was speaking just as fast and after awhile he stopped abruptly and the screen stayed black and one word popped up in the center of the blackness I believe was a German word but I can't remember what it said or what the character in it looked like. But after the end of the video I woke up and the creepy voice has been stuck in my head all day.

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