The devil jumping out at me from darkness in the middle of daylight.
Blackness consumed my boyfriend turning him into a black eye demon with sharp teeth. I could not save him from the darkness. It was 6am.
Complex darkness
I am young , i am standing in the middle of a field of daisies. There is a bench and i am sitting on it. There is darkness all around and it is closing in around because there wall closing it around me
Michael archangel elevator up people hell purgatory paradise God orders bedroom sleep staircase climb darkness light vortex mirror
I abandonned my child in the street to go to work. I could not stop and could not drive back.
She was not allowed to come due to gate security. I asking her to stay put, rain and darkness
started and night came so she moved, she was kidnapped. I look for her everywhere she was lost.
I'm sitting in a dark room, surrounded by this hissing sound in the darkness and slowly the maraccas build up and the walls fall out and i'm surrounded by burning grass with the snakes and maracas growing louder and louder until I wake up
Satan jumping out at me, he came out of the darkness during the day time.
I saw my husband in darkness standing from afar,motionless,with weary face and just called my named. then i woke up already,wondering what is it all about.
Darkness consuming boyfriend demon liquid sharp-tooth