Understand My Dreams

Dreams calm

I was at the middle of a desert, knealing down praying. There was darkness, and no wind blew, there was a total calmness. All of a sudden, there was bright lighting and the heavens opened. A man came the above, and stood infront of me. He placed his hands on my head and 14 white triangular things came out of him and entered to me. Another 14 black triangular things came out of me and entered to him. Then he told me that the 14 white things from him were powers to heal, cast and fight demons, resurect the dead etc. He was clothed in a black garment, and i didnt see his face.

I was at the middle of a desert, knealing down praying. There was darkness, and no wind blew, and it was dry that no tree grew. there was a total calmness. All of a sudden, there was bright lighting with bright light and the heavens opened. A man came the above, and stood infront of me. He placed his both hands on my head and 14 white triangular things came out of him and entered to me. Another 14 black triangular things came out of me and entered to him. Then he told me that the 14 white things from him were powers to heal, cast and fight demons, resurect the dead etc. He was clothed in a black garment, and i didnt see his face was covered with hood.

My dream started with a competition where 12 girls would be chosen to be part of a TV show. After We we're picked we flew out of the country to India. Where the host of the TV show took all our money and held us hostage. However, she explained that this was part of the TV show. She said we we're all going to die, but in different ways. She killed one girl by throwing her off a cliff, but then went back to name sure she was dear because she had to make sure they suffered. The host was abused when she was little and wanted to inflict paint on others. Throughout the dreams she takes us strawberry picking and through mountains filled with snow. Her helpers to calm us down and to prevent us from screaming they drop tablets of Molly. We take them and I think it was a way to control us. Sometimes they set us loose on a mountain and we had to find our way back to them through all the snow.

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