Understand My Dreams

Dreams buy

So i was going back to the locker room at pe to change out from my pe clothes and suddenly i was running in a field with no grass just dirt and then it was bus call and i missed both of my buses because i took like 20 min in the locker room changing back into my clothes and so i just walked to the bus loop but then my parents showed up near the breezeway so i was like "ok cool i'm gonna get home earlier" and then someone walked past me and like bumped into me and i thought he was a school shooter so i got nervous but i kept walking with my parents and we were gonna enter in the main entrance of the school but then we went to buy and it turned out to be bob saget and i was excited although i dont really watch full house and we talked and then my grandparents aunts uncles and all them started walking under the breezeway and i was confused but then i thought it was some procession for my brothers wedding so i was like ok and then it ended there

I was in school and the teacher was showing us porn to teach us. When I went out of the classroom I was very embarrassed and blushing and walked out. I had sex with a boy during class too. It was time to go home and I went outside where it was already nighttime. I saw my friend run up to me and we hugged and jumped, she also brought a friend with her. We decided to walk home together even though I was beginning to forget where I live. We stopped at a store where she wanted to buy a snack and her friend said no because she thought I didn't have the money to buy a snack too. But I bought an ice cream. We started walking again and we separated somehow and I ended up in a gym where there were curtains. You had to choose the right curtain and have sex in it. If you chose the wrong one, you would explode the dynamite. There was a sex instructor and she was very pretty and was secretly evil. I never got to go home even after finding my friend again.

I was with my ex- boyfriend and his daughter at a playground, when he started acting crazy, so I drove away but I still had his daughter's coat, bag and car seat in my car. I worried she would be cold and was annoyed at my ex boyfriend for not being worried. Later I was in a giant school, cafeteria in England where my new boyfriend , one I had never met, was with me telling me how to get away from vampires, we were big chased by vampires and there were other people with us who kept getting killed by the vampires. We finally reached the cafeteria where we were safe but I tried to buy lunch and the lady behind the register kept getting angry at me and people were still being killed by the vampires.

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