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Dreams woke up

Found 4,056 dreams containing woke up - Page 18

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Dog jumping through bedroom window.I dreamt of a huge Alsation dog black on the top of the body and brown on stomach and legs area peering through my bedroom window at night while me and my daughter was sleeping on the bed. The window was open it sniffed and I saw it. I threw a box at it to prevent it from coming in It did not make a noise and jumped straight on my bed. I woke my daughter up and ran out the room holding the door closed. That's when I woke up

I had a fucking wack dream where i murdered the joker and tried to become the new joker and there was a police chase through a series of tunnels but then i escaped and started driving away but like 200 miles later or something, i was trying to get to the border, i crashed into an oil -- distillery? i dont know what they're called. And the owners were like you need to pay us a million dollars or give us your insurance shit and i was like oh no im a wanted criminal, there is literally-- im on the national news and the only reason they dont know me is because this is a hick town, and there was a fair in town and my partner in crime idk who they were just suggested something like "if you win it all from fair prizes you dont need to produce a license to get a job :)" and so we started trying to win money, first at an eating contest, but we passed an ad for a five mile run where the top time was 10 minutes for five miles and i was like "oh no they had a speedster who's holding back, or some kind of super soldier-- if they know who i am--" then i woke up

I was in my old neighborhood the one I grew up in in the trailer court. My family disappeared suddenly all leaving me and driving off. I was stuck there and the house started sinking in the quick sand my family had left without me. My best friends boyfriend , Trevor, showed up on a bike and told me to get in the bike trailer and we peddled away. His bike broke down in the parking lot of this hotel not too far away from where my place was. Trevor tried to fix it but it was taking him a long time because he kept finding electronics on the ground and was dismantling them assuring me he knew what he was doing. my best friend April showed up in a taxi cab and told me to get in and yelled at Trevor for not having his bike properly fixed up to make the journey and she told him don't even come back until you got it fixed. We got home and Her mom was in the front yard staring at an apple tree with giant apples the size of a human being. she said that use to be my tree untill the flood moved the seeds and it started growing just outside my fence. Then I said imagine if one of those apples fell on your head as you walked by. Then I woke up

I was inside a small concrete building with 2 beds on either side. I was in one, and two people I couldn't see were in the other. We both were covered with a blanket. There was nothing else in the room there was opening for a window and door but there was no window or door. Outside I could nothing but blackened objects and the red glow in the distant background making me feel or think that the world was ending. We could feel an unbearable heat coming and we covered ourselves trying to not be consumed or killed by it. At one point a large blanket appeared and I tried to cover myself with it but it quickly caught fire and I threw it off me. Just then then, this heat was upon us, I could feel it. As it overwhelmed me, I found myself near the top of a maintain covered in green grass. The sky was blue with few clouds. There were others there. They all had this happiness about them, adults around my age. We were just there, sitting, smiling, talking to each other. Something like a lion was running and jumping around us. It didn't look real. It was light in color, nearly white, and looked as though it was put together with blocks of something that could have been wood. As ran towards me, I was just a little afraid and as it batted at my arm with its paw, I realized it was being friendly and wanted me play with him or her, I'm not sure. At that point, I woke up.

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