I have had-still having this dream every single night for about 7-8 months now and it starts as a purge type apocolyptic type scenery and I repeat the what I call "level" until I clear it without any fatalities. So the first few nights I would get to a certain point in the dream and then it all goes black and thats the end of the dream for the night, so I said hm I wonder why? Then during my dreams I started saying to myself and my crew of purgers "don't go odown this way, remember what happened last time they all busted out the door and ambushed us". So we end up not going there, then the dream advances onto the next level per say. This scenery was only for the first 4/5 months then it changes to a field trip going to north carolina where I see a big glass building with a deep black swimming pool that is said to be the darkest deepest body of water to the center of the earth with a dining table across the top, now the same sort of thing happens again I go through to this certain checkpoint almost and then this girl across from me falls in the water and disappears and then the waiter turns evil and makes us all jump in the water and then its just blackness-end of the dream, over a few nights I realized something bad happens when the girl falls into the water so my next dream I tell everyone "grab her shes about to fall in" and then the story carries on nicely and the waiter doesn't turn evil March 02, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was floating in a pitch black space where there was nothing visible other than a checker board and a chess board. then a loud voice said "so, are you playing a game of chess, or a game of checkers?" and then i fell like a water droplet onto the boards. February 14, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Went on a retreat, went a day before my husband who un expected joint me the next day. i share room with un known female, while removing my husband stuff from daughter room, who informed me twin brother is sharing room, I saw a small stream of water on floor. husband was walking behind me, entering the next room where I slept the previous night , the single bed was empty and as I looked over at the double bed, the female was laying the bed, naked on her back, feet up in air, speaking on phone. February 12, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Driving car casually around the city and wanting to make a big round about turn I suddenly realised a bit too late that I was driving over the cliff into a very deep clear water lake that made the bottom seem like land that I was going to drive around. With the vehicle gone into the water I was trying desperately to hold on to the end of the cliff and not fall into the water April 09, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
On the ground wrestling with an android inside an underground cave for possession of an important object. Water quickly begins to fill the cave and I realize I have to let go in order to escape drowning. As I let go of the object I announce "ok, you win" pausing for a moment before heading for the exit. The exit is very narrow mud tunnel that by now is under water. Afraid I am unable to hold my breath long enough I resign myself to drowning March 17, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was floating in a black space where there was nothing visible other than a checker board and a chess board. then a loud voice said "so, are you in a game of chess, or a game of checkers?" and then i fell like a water droplet onto the boards and was being tossed around. February 14, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
On retreat, went a day before my husband who un expected joint me the next day. i share room with un known female, while removing my husband stuff from daughter room, who informed me twin brother is sharing room, I saw a small stream of water on floor. husband was walking behind me, entering the next room where I slept the previous night , the single bed was empty and as I looked over at the double bed, the female was laying the bed, naked on her back, feet up in air, speaking on phone. February 12, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Fire element zodiacs signs interprets things on the level of their heart, water element zodiac signs interpret things inline with the heart March 17, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Went to my parents home with my dog, but couldn't rest. I went to walk him, and lost him outside the supermarket. I approached a man getting into a car & he had kids and a dog, but it wasn't my dog. Going back to the supermarket, I saw my dog run to me. Then I started to walk home along a narrow path close to the road going uphill, and a young man ran by, then stopped, saying something unintelligible but threatening. I walked across the street, seeing the path led to a maze with some carousel type rides. I didn't think I could climb fast enough not to block the people behind me. Then I saw a commuter train, got on, discovering I had lost my wallet. The women online told me the train went to the university downtown, at Church st. I thought I could call my father to pick us up if I could borrow some change. I saw a group of university men jogging, and asked for help, but they ignored me. One ran back to tell me I was abusing my dog by not giving me water. I found the main intersection & tried to flag down a cab, but could not. March 01, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis