Assorted fruits shopping
“me and my best friend were out on a saturday night and she got hit by a car, she appeared to be in a coma or dead in hospital because in the dream I called her mother asking was she ok. Then she came back as a ghost and only me and our group if friends could see her. We were all doing regular things, we went around shopping and went for food in a resturaunt but I was very upset in the dream”
The dream seemed so real that I had to text her when I woke to see if she was alive.
Shopping with my mum and sister and being stabbed in the stomach by a stranger
I had a dream that I was being held at gunpoint by a woman while I was in my car about to go into a shopping centre. I kept on driving to get away from her.
Broken electronics, surprised by student covering my eyes in shopping mall, feeling embarrassed. In sports store leaving people to shop on my own
I dreamt I was at a spa when it was time for the bikini wax there was a man trying to take a look. He was shoved outside. When it was done everything was well done from head to toe, that I asked for their business cards, I did'nt give them mine although I had it in my mind to give them. Anyway that journey ended and immediately I began another. I was walking along the streets of New York at least I thought it was then it looked like a street I used to go shopping or walking along. I was trying to find home, a place I used to live with a friend who passed away. The phone number I was trying to remember was his.I was feeling sick and I was wanted him to come and pick me up. My now husband showed up somehow and repeated the number but said it fast I could not understand. I could not call. Lately I have been feeling a little pressure in my heart, and my friend did pass away from heart failure. Does it mean that he is talking to me, but its not my time to go yet. Help me understand.
I was at store shopping, a man walked in and held up the store, everybody fell to the floor, he then took my purse empty all my stuff that was in my purse on the floor discovered the money, took my money and started giving to the people in the store
Dream of waking searching shopping food bank accent sitting wedding reception eating very big building lost security queue
My mother and I were in a Building designed like a shopping m mall. We were trying to find a office and had to take the escalator to the lower level. As we were riding down, I suddenly had to pee real bad. I took off running back up the escalator but couldn't find the restroom. In panic I came back down where my mom was waiting and had to go so bad that I peed behind a trash recipacle while she covered me. I awoke from my dream and checked the sheets, my bladder felt like I really had peed, but my sheets were dry.