It doesnt matter what the rest of the dream is about, but I dream that I have a mouth full of rocks and no matter how much i spit or threw them up. They keep appearing. November 01, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Okay so it started of as me walking somewhere and I was walking behind these two guys and I saw two plastic bags on the ground like right behind one of the guys and I automatically knew he was a serial killer and the two guys happen to stop and turn around and I remember that I was a serial killer but not really and that a while back I use to torture one of the guys. And then u felt like I was in trouble and that he remember me so I ran home( I'm not really me at during that part I'm some other guy). So anyway I'm me again and I ran in the house and hide in the attic. And then idk what happen after but apparently the serial killer found me and the next thing that happens I was on this couch with some other boy. And the killer was sitting in this rocking chair making me and the boy do stuff while he watchAnd then I guess I stop whatever he was making me do and he was telling me how he killed his daughter and cut her up and made her into a furniture I think and they boy was like keep going before he kills us. And idk.what happen after that but I sneak out a window and I ran into this neighborhood full of serial killers so I ran back out. And I just was running and all I can remember was that he was chasing me and I kept escaping by running in house and buildings and jumping off the balcony and just as running away from him. And that all I remember October 30, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
A giant red snake with rock hard skin dives deep into the ocean then i thrust a long sword into an apple then a fire a gun with a long black barrel over and over again November 25, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I wasn't real clear, it was like I was in this house that had no sheet rock but had the studs and it had something to do with my granddaughter But I was trying to figure out the walls with no sheet rock November 20, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was being judged by Jesus and I guess I did something wrong but when he spoke about my wrong doing it was static. Then, angels came and put a pumpkin on my head and I was kicked into the void. I was falling and then hit my head on a floating rock and when I woke up, I was in hell. November 02, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that my boyfriend got me a ring and that at first the ring was exactly what I wanted but then it changed to a rock with crystals inside of it. I was not as impressed at this point. There was also a love note embedded in the rock ring and one of my coworkers was present and read the letter and told me most of the words were spelled incorrectly October 30, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I fall and then get hit by a rock and i see a rat eat a banna December 09, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a room withy girlfriend when I heard her talking in her sleep I tried listen and she was talking about her baby while rubbing her stomach. I tried to wake her several times and when she finally woke there was a design on her face. I couldn't yell or speak and she went over to turn on the light which was ony side and then it was like the dream reset. I thought I had awoken but then it's like it started again. This time there was something different with the room. When I realized I should wake up its like it restarted again. I thought I was back in reality til I heard a dog barking outside and an old man base the doorway. He let the dog in and it was moving about them jumped on to the bed as the old man walked in looking for something. The dog leaped up on to the bed licking deep into my girlfriend s crotch. As the dog was pushed away the man looks over to the bed and again it's reset. The final reset I encounter was the same room filled with stuffed toys and dolls. One specific was a clown like doll. I couldn't yell and the voices wouldn't stop. My girlfriend came out of bed as I tried to yell. She then began to blow me, shoving my dick all the way down and I was screaming but nothing was coming out. We would rock back and forth like a jack in the box would after popping out. I tried to grab for the light the clown got bigger and started moving towards me. Then I finally shoved myself out not knowing if It was going to happen again November 19, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
A wild cat running over rock side of a mountain. the cat looks at over to a river with five other cats where at. a fox was fighting them to the by the riverside. November 04, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis