Understand My Dreams

Dreams office

Crazy, crazy dream. ~ there were people breaking in, but it was not my home, it was a place of worship and they were coming into the offices. They wanted books, Bibles, they seemed to be looking for something they did not have. They seemed to be Christians, but something was wrong about them. Their Faith was weak and they seemed fake. (remember its a dream). They got violent when told to wait and it would be shown to them, they need not look for an answer. They started tearing the up building, looting and screaming. I stood up on a desk and my voice got really soft and deep. (I was prophesying) I told them, children why are you so afraid? Stand in the Faith you once had. Stop seeking answers that God has already given you ONCE. He does not need to speak it again, STAND IN YOUR FAITH! Many of them walked away. Those of us left, began to cry and then a waive of praise swept over us! A dream...so real.

I had friends from out of town come over to my house for a barbeque and in the starter kit was a bag of lighter fluid which had a tear. As I was going to go throw the bag away I walked past a fire outside and the bag exploded in my hand. This burnt and blew off fingers and 4 toes on my right foot as well as on the rest of my body. I was seen by a man driving down the road and was taken to the hospital. After arriving I was cleaned up and left. No one came to visit. When I was released I went home to get my tablet and phone and also told friends including my husband I was done with them and left again. While walking into the city it seemed to get sucked into a hole in the ground and then erupt like a volcano causing a tornado to begin. I took shelter in an office building. As I am scrambling trying to find somewhere safe my phone rings. Its an automated system from my cell phone provider telling me that I was past due on my bill and had to pay it by 9:16pm that day.

I dream I'm at place I used to work. I walk down the long hall (to get a Pepsi) which is pretty much the same as when I worked there but when I turn the corner and walk a little farther everything appears new. Most of the time I see ppl who know me that I've never met before. I walk by the owners office which is also quite different but he's never there. I feel like I want to see him or him to see me but he's still never in. I dream this a lot.... it's just strange.

I saw I was holding a salmon out of water,& it was trying hard for life , I wanted to save it & approached my collage office staff was help , tow which they didn't want to then my best friend came along to convince me to allow it to die. I wanted the fish to live so I request him to help me convince them, the clearical staff on listening to him gave me some solution which would allow the fish to live for a while,, phew I saved the fish with their help. Later my best friend asked my how would I save the yellow tiny turtle which we believed was a rare species.

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