My dream was of the last supper with Jesus. I wasn't at the table I was in the room June 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream had a lot to do with numbers and I remember the number 24, I also remember looking up in the sky and a light shining down, a cross came floating down and as soon it touched the wall where is was supposed to hang it broke into four pieces, the cross contained jesus on it. June 13, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt of an odd man I had never seen before came up behind me as I was kneeling and he put a golf ball on one side of my temple and a gun on the other and was getting ready to shoot me so I started calling out to Jesus asking for forgiveness before I was killed, I woke myself up praying and was never shot June 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that we were in church and all of a sudden two men came in and started shoting. Then i saw people fall to the growned. and we i saw that i said to jesus please lord protect us with you blood. and i said this words one of the men told the other man to shot again and one told him where are they i cant see them,the other man just shot even if you dont see them dont mean that thier not there . June 18, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed i was at church and was getting ready to sing on the praise team to start service i looked at the altar and there were some toys on the altar a doll baby a toy truc and another kind of toy i saw some kids playing but went to take there seats but they left the toys on the altar so i picked them up and put them in the rightful place i looked up and i saw a platform up above the altar and below on the floor is where the three microphones stand that we use to sing into there were a lot of congregation there in the audience and there were children also present then i went to the bathroom and i met with a youg lady i worked with a while ago and she began to tell me about her changing her life and bein born agein into jesus christ and she was with someone out of town June 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was given some binoculars and i used it to look at a lush mountain which is said to hold a secert about jesus. then i was walking into an old church, saw small sharp silver glass on the ground, i complained to the priests. then i was walking out of an elevator in a hotel, saw some more broken mirror pieces, then a cleaner was vaccuming it up. my mother and father brought my packed suitcases and then i was looking for my purse that had all my stuff June 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt of a man I had never seen before came up behind me as I was kneeling and he put a golf ball on one side of my head and a gun on the other and was getting ready to shoot me so I started calling out to Jesus asking for forgiveness before I was killed, I woke myself up praying and was never shot June 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis