I dreamed that I was sleeping in my recently deceased mother’s bed with my ex husband, and that my brother was in the hospital. My mother was alive and sleeping in another room and the phone rang, and she came in to answer it. Later, I dreamed that she climbed into bed with me and I thought “Well, I’m cold, so at least she will keep me warm”.
Dreaming about your dead husband cheating, which he did in real life. Every dream I have of him, we are always arguing!
Dreaming about your dead husband leaving me for another woman
My husband had me admitted to hospital against my wishes.
The type of dreams I have are dreaming and realty. when I'm awake Im 1I can see hear my husband and dogs he gets me a drink water etc. at the same time Im aware of my surroundings and they are not my home
My husband is holding hands with another woman
My husband trying to kill two aggressive chickens and a rat
Dreamt clean dried mopane worms in a bag Saw a lady whom I know and thedried mopani worms were packed in a small plastic and they looked very clean and she said need to give to the other lady whom I know coz she said the lady requested her because her husband likes them
My dream had a scary or ominous feeling. In the dream I was losing my voice so I couldn’t really speak often. my husband and i had a miscarriage and my parents found this weird door that lead under the house after I had said something about the room giving me the creeps and something was off about it. Well after we had moved from that room my husband started acting distant and weird after losing a baby, well the room the nursery was going to be started having weird things happen to it and same things, my dad moved a bunch of stuff and discovered a weird door leading under the house. So he moved everything from it and opened it to figure out what it was for, etc. well while he and my mom were looking at something this creepy kid or something came out and started attacking me or basically killing me but I could barely talk because I was losing my voice so I was saying help over and over again trying to push my voice out, then i woke up still saying help.
Dreaming about your deceased husband cheating and the other woman mocks me. Afterwards he returns home almost drunkenly with plans of meeting her again the next day. In my dream we have small children so I question why he would do this to us and then call be a bad father