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Dreams young

Found 1,622 dreams containing young - Page 17

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was walking into my backyard when there I saw a boy standing behind a tree that I had never seen before. I was only 12 years old at the time and I was very confused and asked what he was doing there, and he said he was declaring his love for me and that we would be together forever. I told him that that was great, but that I had no idea who he was or how he knew me. He said he knew about me through a friend that as his friend described me that he would love me till the end of time, so I went with it and as young 12 “love birds” we walked around the block and held hands for 3 hours.

I was in my grandmothers old house. the lights wouldnt turn on, it was kinda scary. i go upstairs and someone have covered a light switch. the house was scary. i walk down and see my brother as a younger person before he died sitting in the recliner. at one point in the dream i am wrestling with a cat. the cat is trying to bite me and is very strong. i realize its not even my cat. it was supossed to have been a cat i had once in my lifetime and i even called it by name and realized it wasnt that cat when it was attacking me.i walk down and i see nurses over a bed with my son in it who is 9. then i see a baby crawling toward me and thought it was a ghost baby and started saying i found my baby. the nurses take the baby and say i stole another mans baby and say your son is right here and point to the child in the bed. i panic and start running because in the dream in my mind i think they are going to commit me. i run into a room and see my dad he is in the bed listening to headphones. i jump in bed with him. he was paralyzed which in real life he was. but then in walks his ghost from when he used to be able to walk and has something in his hands he is trying to show me. i start kicking at him and get woke up because someone wakes me up because i am screaming in real life while asleep.

I was having problems in my flat with leaks, so my friend came to help me move stuff. he came in a old van with red seats. he brought his daughter and his new girlfriend and her 3 sons. his girlfriend and three sons all had scarred faces as if they had been in a fire or something. her sons were very naughty and when I turned round one of them was hitting my son so I told him to stop. the mother asked what was wrong I said I told your son to stop hitting mine because its not fair as my son has been taught not to hit younger children. the next thing we were having a massive party, and I owned this big white abandoned hotel, it was white inside and out and empty there were leaks of clean water and the lower half of the hotel felt creepy so I went outside and right a the end of the property I found 3 cows with humps on their backs looking very unhealthy they were kept in a concreted area with a tiny patch of green grass and I thought to myself I must come rescue them but first I must get back to the party. everyone was having a great time and the kids were still being very naughty.

I’m standing on a gravel driveway, near the end by a gravel road. I’m just a young kid, but I don’t know how old. The sky is gray and getting darker. I can see a house at the end of the driveway, it looks close yet far away. My whole family is near the house so I try going towards it, but I don’t make much process. I turn around towards the gravel road and try to walk that way. My limbs feel heavy, and I can barely move. My eyes start to close and I have to fight to keep them open. I feel trapped in a small area on this driveway, unable to make progress in any direction. I want to call for my mom, but I can’t open my mouth and she doesn’t hear me. It gets harder to breath. I’m stuck.

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