Understand My Dreams

Dreams waves

I was in a huge beach abroad which once had been more sandy than this as i have been to this place before , instead it was more rocky and there was more litter on the ground, the waves were 100ft tall and would come in stages , at first i was crossing a thin platform and a huge overwhelming wave came over me and dragged me into the sea. from there on i somehow i was now in a holiday resort which was probably related to a previous holiday i had been on but at this resort there was a huge tower which spiralled up and i would climb to the top and go down the bottom but nearer the top i couldn't see well and found it almost impossible to open my eyes. one day i fell out of the cart that took you to the top of this tower and something got caught its hard to describe but it wasn't attached to my body but it was as if my heart or an organ had been ripped out because i was now sure in my head i was going to die, for the next few days me and my mum dad sister and other family members searched for this part that had been lost i couldn't find it and was hours away from death i remember leaving this holiday place and being in a dark strange room more laboratory like with my family it was scary like i was going to hell or something, i remember before i dyed i made my body a cross shape for some reason. i then died and woke up to a man next to me who was then explaining what had happened and where i was i cant exactly remember much from now but i kept tripping into the normal world but i couldn't be seen the movement from imaginary to normal world felt as if i was being dragged through dimensions and it felt weird in the dream at this point i knew i was dreaming but didn't wake up. in my dream i thought maybe if i pinched myself i could wake up but i couldn't move in the dream to wake me up in real life. when i arrived back in the normal world i saw my family but one of the family members faces was a horses head or something quite strange and hard to describe. i remember tripping from normal back to this man who would put me in another scenario its hard to describe but went along these lines.

I have had this dream 2times One was with my friend in that one I was in her house using the secret key to open the door which was really just a pillar but pretended it was an actual door And we found ourselves in a cavern in an island With two holes One was darkish and the other was shiny blue We looked in the dark one And we found sharks in and then we looked in the other it was beautiful blue water With mermaids when we fell in the water they told us "To become a mermaid you just have to swim from here to there" pointing to the end of the wall. And when we did that we were playing in the pool and we had the power to control the water making waves and everything. I also had this dream with my gym teacher I had pinned down on the globe map the location of the sea where there was supposingly a tiny island Then we had helicopters to bring us there And i was swimming in most of the sea when we got closer When we got there again two holes i fell in the shark bit But i manage to get out and Then the mermaid one Was there still it was like i remembered it was like with my Friend i had that dream long before i had it again I dont quite remember what happened after.

I found myself at a high-school reunion many years in the future. The reunion was held in a large meeting hall or old house turned public gathering space. We were all outside on the porch; it was evening, and the sky was dark blue with yellow on the horizon. The house was white, made of bricks, and it looked like an old English manor with climbing roses and neatly-trimmed hedges. Most of the people there were my friends from grade 8 (I had this dream in grade 9), and though I don’t remember the topic of discussion, we all seemed fairly friendly. I then decided to go off by myself- there was a low, stone wall and a grove of trees separating the yard of the house from a beach, and as everything was well-lit by lanterns, I decided to walk along the beach and then swim in the ocean. The ocean was very calm, there was little wind and the waves were very subtle and slow, though I couldn’t see into the water because of the lighting. I was only in the ocean a few moments, and I was still in a shallow region where I could stand on the bottom and have my head above the surface, when I saw shark fins. I wasn’t afraid of them. The sharks then started moving in a very unusual way- their heads coming above the water so they were perpendicular to the surface and then going back down again, rapidly thrashing and squirming about. I got out of the water to see better what was going on, and I then saw the sharks walk out of the water; they had the heads and torsos of sharks and human legs. I then realized that they were part of a band which had become quite popular for some reason, called Onkle Donkle. I somehow became completely dry, despite having worn all my clothes into the water. The shark-people were wearing inner tubes (each differently coloured) and carrying their instruments (how, with no arms, I have no idea). Others had gathered around and saw the shark-people-band, but no-one seemed to care. I then went back to the reunion, where I went inside the house to see that my old friends were gone, and my colleagues from my job were there (I think I had joined the FBI). We then played an odd game with silver marbles and funny-looking cards.

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