I'm in a hospital waiting room with several people. I go visit someone who was trying to kill them self and take a scalpel from them. I'm talking to a kid then hand them the scalpel, I guess for protection. Theres people with guns robbing the place holding me and some others hostage. kid cuts their throat after I tell them I'll talk to them tomorrow. I run back after I talk to someone in the waiting room and see the kid in blood and try to take the scalpel. The police come and we're being questioned as we go inside out of the rain January 07, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I had two dreams of visiting my lover and he gave me a t-shirt to put on both times February 16, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Friend who in dream is famous visits queen to ask that only same sex couples can bring up children. Friend crosses through any couples. January 26, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Friend visits queen to change rukles that only single sex parents bring up children January 26, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was having a friend stay over and i decided for fun to show my friend how i can talk to my dead grandpa threw my magic book. it was a book that for some strange reason has water in it and when i looked into the water i could ask for a person that had passed away and they will come to the book to talk to me. So i asked for my grandpa who had passed away two years ago for some reason they could not find im they said he had been taken to the south end of heaven which was where bad people go but i didn't understand because my grandpa was a good guy. But when i finally got to talk to him it didn't really look like him it said it was him but it kinda look like a celebrity i was seen on tv when i was a little girl and the celebrity who is also dead too. Does this dream mean i was visited by my grandpa in my dream January 15, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Friend who in dream is famous visits queen to ask that only same ***** couples can bring up children. Friend crosses through any couples that exist. January 26, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was having a friend stay over and i decided for fun to show my friend how i can talk to my dead grandpa threw my magic book. it was a book that for some strange reason has water in it and when i looked into the water i could ask for a person that had passed away and they will come to the book to talk to me. So i asked for my grandpa who had passed away two years ago for some reason they could not find him they said he had been taken to the south end of heaven which was where bad people go but i didn't understand because my grandpa was a good guy. But when i finally got to talk to him it didn't really look like him it said it was him but it kinda look like a celebrity i was seen on tv when i was a little girl and the celebrity who is also dead too. Does this dream mean i was visited by my grandpa in my dream January 15, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm in a hospital waiting room with several people. I go visit someone who was trying to kill them self and take a scalpel from them. I'm talking to a kid then hand them the scalpel, I guess for protection. Theres people with guns robbing the place holding me and some others hostage. kid cuts their throat after I tell them I'll talk to them tomorrow. I run back after I talk to someone in the waiting room and see the kid in blood and try to take the scalpel. The police come and we're being questioned. January 07, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis