Understand My Dreams

Dreams told her

I was shopping with a friend when we stopped at a food stand on the side of the road. I went in what from the outside looked like a feed house. When I walked in it was a three story house. The top floor which I came in had holes and you could see the other floors. I went down stairs to find three babies sweating from the summer heat and no ac. They were on a bed and were rolling off. I kept picking them up and putting them back on the bed. Finally one of the ladies who runs the stand came in and turned on another light. I told her it was too hot for the babies and they were rolling off the bed. I told her to turn the light off of them. She explained the light was from some ladies and they wouldn't like it if we took it down. The babies finally went back to sleep .

I was called by somebody to take a test one day. I had to go the place they asked me, I met the tutors but before starting the test along with the other candidates I had to pee. I went to the bathroom, which strangely enough was also the kitchen, and when I was done I saw my dead uncle. He was very friendly and told me to take it easy and he gave me a glass of wine to relax. I went out the room to get to the testing area; I was in a huge gigantic mansion, beautiful, with an immense garden around it. While I was going downstairs, I saw my cousin talking and also my dead grandfather. I arrived at the testing area, very late, and everybody was doing the test which was nothing but...playing volleyball. Everybody was very nervous and angry and I was the only one telling them to relax and take it easy. After this part was over, we had to sit all on one place and there I met an old friend from high school, who I hadn't seen in years. Her tone was so reassuring and it calmed me a lot. We started talking and I told her I was very excited because I would have left soon for another place. The second after I was on plane, travelling. Next to me, there was the grandfather from the Simpson series who was reading a love poem aloud. And then I woke up.

My friend and I was walking down a street and we came up to a group of boys that was make a decision to beat up a boy as a group which was my grandson, so when one the boys noticed that I was the boys grandmother they wanted to beat up they decided to come after me and my friend so I want tell him what they planned to do to him so my friend and I started to run and we came to place where we could crawl into it was a white square glass like low place that we had to crawl into we continue to crawl to get to the other side to come out, as I began to crawl in the front in the first and my friend was behind me so continued to crawl as I got further to the back I saw I saw laying there, so I told my friend to go back because she was a afraid of dogs. I told her I must go on and go through to the end to come out so I got close to the dogs but as I got close I saw an electrical wire going across the place and then I saw a fence like place then I saw a tube look like a breathing tube from a machine going straight across the place as I went further I saw two white small dogs they just laid there they didn't move at ll even thought I got close to them so I went a little further crawling on my knees and green grass were under my knees so I came up to two more dogs but there were a big black dog on my left and a big brown dog on my right but hey were chained up they didn't move at all the just looked at me then I heard a voice say to me I will make even the vicious beast be at peace with you.

I dreamt that, me and my cousins were buying a pillowcase we had a lot of money then the money just disappeared, All the money i have was gone so we went home and for some reason i could fly i was flying, then i saw this black cat roaming around, when i got home i saw that there was going to be a party, then when the party started we were all having fun when i saw my girl crush, i didn't know what to do she danced hen danced, suddenly i felt tired i wanted to talk to her so i came up to her and told her i like her and she smiled i smiled and then i heard someone crying i flew there, and i saw i had wings, but when i got there my family got kidnapped and so was my girl crush, i didn't know what to do so i saw this video about a man with no arm.

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