Understand My Dreams

Dreams something

Went to my parents home with my dog, but couldn't rest. I went to walk him, and lost him outside the supermarket. I approached a man getting into a car & he had kids and a dog, but it wasn't my dog. Going back to the supermarket, I saw my dog run to me. Then I started to walk home along a narrow path close to the road going uphill, and a young man ran by, then stopped, saying something unintelligible but threatening. I walked across the street, seeing the path led to a maze with some carousel type rides. I didn't think I could climb fast enough not to block the people behind me. Then I saw a commuter train, got on, discovering I had lost my wallet. The women online told me the train went to the university downtown, at Church st. I thought I could call my father to pick us up if I could borrow some change. I saw a group of university men jogging, and asked for help, but they ignored me. One ran back to tell me I was abusing my dog by not giving me water. I found the main intersection & tried to flag down a cab, but could not.

Driving the street, my husband traveling in his car behind me. I notice a old place that I visit in other dreams. without warning my husband at all, I jumped out of my car and went into this old dark house, the people were friendly enough but I really didn't know any of them. then I looked up and a Old friend Alonso that I went to grade school showed up, we hung out then I was ready to leave. as I was saying my goodbyes, I said I hope I can find my car, then Alonzo said you park way over there instead of me leaving with Alonzo, I sat back down moments later I realize Alonzo left I went outside to see if my car was there but all I could see was people barely getting around in the dark a policeman was walking around saying something to people but I couldn't make out what was said I started walking in the policeman direction but he disappear in the night the streets was dark and muddy I passed several old people they all had on dark clothes and they were dingy and seem to have a hard time walking so I seen a parking lot I went to see if my car was there but it wasn't so I went back to that house where I really didn't know anyone they were all males but gentle and nice on my way to the house their were two small kids using a outside toilet I told them that toilet was nasty and to go home well those kids came in the same house I was going into I went in sat down peeped in one of the bedrooms and I send the head of the house give someone a blanket and I seen him look towards me and say I thought she was gone that was when I call my husband to come and get me he talked like he was confused and didn't want to come

I was in the passenger seat of a car with a random dude I’ve never seen before driving. He was had multiple personalities or he was bipolar or something, I don’t know, but he was driving super crazy and crashing into a bunch of things. I remember it was a new blue ford fusion, which is really weird that I remember that, but anyway. He would freak out and start yelling at me for who knows what and I remember being really scared and I was trying to keep the mood light by saying positive things and trying to make him laugh so he wouldn’t freak out again. I remember we drove over a bridge and it had some sort of gates on both ends of it and on the entrance the first gate was open but the second gate was closed and he didn’t notice until we drove full speed through it. I was really scared that he would go crazy after going through the gate and I had no idea what would happen. He threatened to drop me off and I was like “okay that’s fine,” because I wanted to get out of that car so bad and run away to the nearest public place so nothing bad would happen.

I crow flys over my head and drops a note in front of me with my name with a necklace and a invitation and when i put the neclice around my neck crows picked me up and took me to a house with the address from the letter and when i enter i walked up these stairs to a sorta observatory and saw this old women a black panther looking things i could make out what its looked like honstly i gave her the note i had and she said that this cat is mine and in way bailed on me and disappeared in smoke when i woke up i also was female and a kistune and after that for 8 days everything in th house had a awful grudge where i littraly felt like they wanted to kill me over and over again and it was like i was in hell with the suffering but the cat allways seem to be there like it know what was going on but also seem to say i have to let it play out like i needed to be done or something

I have had-still having this dream every single night for about 7-8 months now and it starts as a purge type apocolyptic type scenery and I repeat the what I call "level" until I clear it without any fatalities. So the first few nights I would get to a certain point in the dream and then it all goes black and thats the end of the dream for the night, so I said hm I wonder why? Then during my dreams I started saying to myself and my crew of purgers "don't go odown this way, remember what happened last time they all busted out the door and ambushed us". So we end up not going there, then the dream advances onto the next level per say. This scenery was only for the first 4/5 months then it changes to a field trip going to north carolina where I see a big glass building with a deep black swimming pool that is said to be the darkest deepest body of water to the center of the earth with a dining table across the top, now the same sort of thing happens again I go through to this certain checkpoint almost and then this girl across from me falls in the water and disappears and then the waiter turns evil and makes us all jump in the water and then its just blackness-end of the dream, over a few nights I realized something bad happens when the girl falls into the water so my next dream I tell everyone "grab her shes about to fall in" and then the story carries on nicely and the waiter doesn't turn evil

Well i dreamt about my friends who betrayed me this week. I dreamt the guy had a lot of different girlfriend s and i met one that was "secret". I also made out with him at some point. The other one was just background character but somehow always there. I ended up going into some house with them and others like a temple house where we fought off some snakes and snuck around a beast. But at the exit a manticore appeared the face of a man with cat features, cat ears and fur lined face and body of a lion with a small mane. It went for the others and hid away behind some furniture. I hid behind some overturned chairs i was the last one. It was saying something to me idr what but it affected me. Maybe taunting me of something. It spotted me swiped twice at my hiding spot. I stood up holding a chair in front of me so scared. I picked up a broken chair leg and the next time it lunged, i lunged. I stabbed the leg into its neck as hard as i could and push it in a bit twisting it and we both fell back. It looked at me with anger and surprise and in a way like it was proud. Everyone was there but i left them. I escaped that place through a secret elevator with just one of the backstabbing friends. But i never felt right the entire dream.

I had a dream i was with many other candidates. We were running away from something we didn’t see. We just know it was someone evil after us. I ended up finding a way out. The others were too scared to go with me. Then martial law went into effect over me. The troopers started closing the streets down. I found a place with others I thought was safe. I told them what happen, and they said hide. The troopers started shooting inside the place. They didn’t get me so a lady came in. I tried to manipulate her into feeling sympathetic. I Told her that i just wanted to die already. She took it literally and shot me twice. Then i ended up near some sand where there were bombs and ocean. Then behind me i saw forest of trees with a gigantic snake floating around the trees.

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