A snake tongue
I was hiking up a mountain on a school trip at the top we go into a house I explore five bedrooms then got back down the mountain at the bottom of the mountain is a stream with a log crossing it my teacher told me not to cross it but I did anyway mid way across I fell into the stream and snakes and leeches bit my foot I was then dragged out of the stream where the snakes and leeches where pulled of my foot
I had a dream and saw a snake, in a few minutes I saw a certain woman come to pass where the snake was so I screamed to let her away. In the next scene, the snake had turn into two and one hid its head under the sand but I killed them. They were really big and long snakes
Snake biting people, running away and hiding
Dreams of running over snakes with your car
Dreams of running over snakes
Snake slithering through grass and I tip toe through it anyway
I dreamed of a snake one at the front and one at the back
Dreamt of someone trying harm me with a snake. I said no I'd rather commit suicide
Snake biting off a other snake tongue off