A little Asian map punched me in the face when I went drunk running and dropped my black BMW keys in the gutter
A little Asian man punched me in the face when I went drunk running and drop my black BMW keys.
I punched my mother
My dad was punching and kicking me fighting with me
My dad was punching and kicking me in the testicles
Punched my girlfriend s teeth out
Teeth falling out from getting punched
Kylin and Meriem were being all lovey dovey. I shouted across the room to Kylin,"After class I got to ask you a question. Why are you asking me in this rhythm? I don't need my mom to talk.", Everyone started laughing. "I don't need my dad either", Kylin said. Everyone laughed some more. I began to cry and say, "I wasn't asking that.", to my friend on the side. "Dumbass.", I said. Class ended and I walked over to Kylin. I slapped him across the face and then I punched him in the face, I pushed him and he got up. I ran away to the band room that didn't look like the band room. Someone was there and Mr. Fluker, once I fell on the floor and he put my face in his butt. The person began to laugh, but I said, "It wasn't funny , he really put my face in his butt. The person laughed even more. Kylin came to the band room door and I could tell it was him because there were windows. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. I taunted him and ran to the second door to see if it was locked and it wasn't. The second door was really big. I opened it and tried to close it which was hard to do and did it. Then I opened it again and heard voices. I heard Kylin's voice and Mr. Fluker, I tried closing the door a second time and Mr. Fluker forced it open. I ran outside and was being pursued.
Punching father
My friend told me she was cheating on her husband, I told my husband and she overheard, then she punched me in the face