Understand My Dreams

Dreams open

Call me crazy but, I dreamed of a unfamiliar man with a pale face, black leather jacket, and black boots standing by my bed. (everything went dark suddenly)I started hearing this eerie (not necessarily ghostly) but like a strange ringing.( it got louder and intense) In the moment, I felt my body facing the opposite direction of my bed.I suddenly heard a metal clang combined with a window breaking as if something was messing around in my room.( I don’t have any heavy metal objects) I didn’t want to open my eyes and I felt my own body take one deep breathe. Suddenly I woke up around 3:33 am and everything was normal.Im not making this up, what was that ringing? Who was that man?Metal clang?

I am in a large, turn of the century house. I wander through it, looking for someone, but I can't remember who - or who owns the house. The dream is vivid. I can hear chickens, smell dust and mustiness in rarely used spaces, I can pick up and examine objects (many of which I remember from somewhere. These things are detailed, often personal, lovely but I can't remember who they belong to or if they might have been mine at that time somehow), I can feel the heat of the fire in the stove and delight at using the water pump in the summer kitchen. It all feels familiar as I search the house up to the attic and then down (very steep, narrow stairs to that attic!) When I get to the cellar door in the kitchen, I start to feel foreboding - but compelled to keep searching. As I go down the stairs to the cellar, I can identify the coal shed door, on old cast iron heater of some kind and another door. I look through the cellar, open the door to the coal shed and then approach the other door. It is identifiably different or out of place but I can't pin down exactly how it is different or what makes it out of place. I do "know" that I am strongly compelled to open it - and too terrified to. Extreme dread and foreboding when I reach for that doorknob usually wake me - sometimmes screaming. I have wakened my family peiodically through my life with this. I can't remember the first time I had the dream but I've had it throughout my life. It tends to leave me very nervous and unsettled, sometimes for days.

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