I am first in a room with my first love and his current fiancé. I am a bit uncomfortable. The three of us are very aware of who everyone is. They are laying on the floor together and i am laying just a little bit off to the side of them. his back is to me, her facing me (them facing each other). I remember making eye contact with her and quickly looking away trying to just "not be there with them". You know just let them be. Then I move to the next part of the dream where i am around my most recent ex who i have just found out his is about to propose to a girl just 2 days after he and i split (a nice split but my decision). I remember thinking isn't that fast but someone saying once a guy is ready, he's ready doesn't take anymore time to know. Then i flash to my last dream and i am with the partner of a guy i like. she's at my house as we wait to do some volunteer work training at a college. we are talking but its mostly her and she keeps throwing in comments about how she's the best at stuff. I have never met her in person. shortly after i sneak away to call him and tell him about it before her and my mom walk up jokingly wondering who i am on the phone with. then i wake. what does this all mean? June 22, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt there were a lot of people gathered. The news said there was a mass murder at the top of the building where we were. I went to check it out and I saw the blood on the floor. Apparently it got to me because I was crying hysterically. June 12, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was pregnant with my 3rd child and knew it would be my last child due to my age. I was due any day and suddenly noticed a drop of blood on the floor where I was standing. My husband drove me to the hospital. I was laying on the delivery table and was continuing to bleed but felt no labor pains. I was very upset that the labor wouldn't start. Then I felt sad because I know this was the last time I would give birth and was frustrated that the labor would not begin. June 08, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Being woken up by talking outside of bedroom by 2 strangers in the hall to walk into the kitchen with black glitter on the floor, as i open the den to check on my boyfriend and friend but i turn my back to them while turning on light June 03, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamt my adult son had smashed all my Christmas tree ornaments on the floor June 01, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in an old house. I think it was mine. but me and an acquaintance were having sex on a mat or pile of blankets on the floor. it was good. we did it several times. July 16, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
All I can remember is running away from someone that was chasing me. I had a faceless friend driving a car to help me get away. I managed to catch up with the car and jump in, only when I jumped in, I landed on the floor between the seats. I felt pain but thinking I was now safe. This is when I woke up from my dream and I had fallen on the floor out of bed and realizing I hit my head. June 15, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Crocodile in your house and friends sleeping on the floor for days June 05, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis