I dreamt that I, my daughter and my sister were being robbed at gunpoint in my house by four men without masks on.
I was the main character in a movie and my friend was playing opposite me. He played a character that wore a mask up until the very end, but his face wasn't scarred like the actual character in the real movie. I remember seeing a dog in an alleyway digging through some trash, and I remember seeing doves in flight more than once.
I'm being chased by a person with a dark mask on.
I've escaped from my school and I'm heading towards a field. I'm being chased by a man in a mask, he's chasing me towards the sewers.
My boyfriend told me hae had a dream for the last week that involved me having male and female friends to my house and when he can in the men would disrespect him and made him feel as I was sleeping with them one kept asking him about a black mask then he received a text message on his phone saying L1 & L2 when he said the L1 was I had cheated him in the past and L2 was I cheated on him recently with a woman so then he slapped me hard in the face and my friend girl said I told u this was gonna happen so you just take it. Then he puts a black mask on and grabs a gun kills my friend girl then one of the guy friends and then took me to an ally and shot me and the police shot him
Father being hurt by a tall shadowy figure with a mask an dpieecing red eyes
Five masked guys were crowded round my boyfriend who lay on the floor all bloddy. One guy had a gun. Two guys had knives and the other two guys were wearing knuckle buster. The two with knives propped my boyfriend up and the knuckle buster guys were throwing punhes at him. I was helplessly strapped ti a chair screaming and shouting for them to hurt me instead. But they didnt listen. They had damaged beyong repair. But they the two with knives got hold of him cutting him making the puddle of bloob double. Then he brought out the gun and thats when i started to scream as loud as i could. But i couldnt watch i just couldny
Sitting in wrestling arena, Satan walks in. Said I wasn’t scared Riding with mom who disappear
Seven gates--flying down, very dark Lilly wearing gas mask
I was in my desk in class. I noticed blood on my hands and i started to quietly freak out. My ex, who sits next to me in class, tried to calm me down by talking to me. By that time my teacher noticed and came to see what was wrong. When she got to my desk, I swung my arm in her direction and cut her cheek, leaving more blood on my right hand. Right after that a white liquid flowed out of my left eye, my nose, and my mouth. the liquid formed a white, blank mask around my face that only had two eye holes. Once i felt the mask on my face, my eyes bled black and turned black. In the dream I have no memory of what happened until my eyes turned back to their usual color. At that point, I tried taking the mask off, but couldn't. I noticed my hands had even more blood on them than before. Once i noticed that, the mask fell to the floor and broke on impact. I looked around the room and everyone was gone and the room was destroyed other than where i stood.