It was dark. Couldn't see anything in front of me. Suddenly I was in a room I've never been in. The only light source what seemed like moonlight shining in. There was a person inside the room with me. I realized that it was myself, but a demonic version of me. Black eyes and a mischievous smile. I was suddenly on the ground with demonic me standing over me. I got almost like a drowning sensation as I looked up at him. He said something to me, but I can't remember what. April 26, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
Im in a classroom bymyself i looked at the chalkboard ans all of the sudden i see the earth as i was staring at the earth i see seven angels coming toward me. I saw one angel going to the state of California and another angel going over the state of Kansas City and the five angels coming toward me. April 18, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I was a chick fil a with my camp friend Regan and we were on the bachelorette at the same time and then our other friend looked like the slenderman and starting exposing us to everyone in the restaurant and he started whacking people with frying pans March 31, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream started with me on a beautiful grassy hill with a lot of flowers. It was getting dark and I needed somewhere safe. Next I was in a room inside a cave, the dirt and rocks had a red color to them, it looked like something miners had used, there were beds and a metal door that I had locked and put stuff in front of to make sure it couldn’t be opened. My sister was there and also two younger children I didn’t know. We were being tracked by dark faceless monsters that could hear really good and were very fast, the moved on two back legs and two long arms that were sharp. I couldn’t sleep so I went over to the door and looked out the peep-hole and saw one of the monsters lurking outside. I whispered to my sister that there was a monster outside and I was going to get the gun. My sister told me to get the gun that was by her, pulled the covers back and told me to lay down and get some rest and at the same time one of the kids threw a doll by me and it hit the ground with a thud. I was irritated that my sister didn’t seem to care about the monster outside and I was scared the monster might of herd the noise but I was exhausted so I layed down with her and the kid that threw the doll came to lay with us to. When I went to lay down I felt like I didn’t have to worry about the monster outside, I felt safe. November 10, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I saw baby lord krishna in my dreams and he looked passionately at me July 20, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt of someone naked I could not even see the face, but that someone looked like me June 02, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
It started as we were in school. My school uniform but in a library that was a mix of my high school and primary school one. It was me and a few teachers that looked familiar but i couldnt recognize them, same with the students around us. The teachers told me that because i was really smart they wanted to do these tests. So this teacher who looked really familiar but something was off about her go into this room in the middle of the library. Right in the middle made of all glass. We sit down next to each other at a regular school desk and chairs. She starts asking questions off of the paper in front of her that are just general knowledge and math related questions. She then starts asking for personal details like my age, name, weight etc. As she keeps asking them in suddenly sitting in a big leather chair that slowly starts lifting up towards the roof. There was a cut out in the roof the perfect size of my body. I keep going up in this chair and enter this cut out but it stops at my elbows. It is tight to my body and pitch black. It is so tight that the chair lowers down but i stay up in the air. The teacher keeps asking the questions and starts taking photos of me. She starts taking photos up my school skirt too. I then heard this faint beep and then the words "scanning complete" and i was suddenly in a new room. This same teacher and i, along with another who looks familiar are walking down a light purple corridor. we are just having a general conversation when the teacher from earlier says "i had to go get a blood test after i did my tests, make sure you do that and give us the results". (i have a fear of needles). We then walk into this room that is dark purple with computers along one wall and a kids play area in the back corner. My friend is sitting in the room. I go to walk into the room and they stop me. They told me that i had to take my shoes off before entering and i turn around and see the corridor lined with little kids shoes, so i take them off and walk in. I then walk in the room and turn around to look at the teachers. they smile and say in perfect unison, "and if anything is said or done in this room, just make sure it is recorded and documented." They then shut the door and suddenly im in a new room. I knew that it was later in the day and i was at my old primary school. I was sitting on the steps waiting for my friends, there were kids and parents all around, and that same teacher just watching me. I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see my boyfriend and his friends behind me. we start talking and all sit together. My boyfriend s is looking at his phone and starts laughing, so i ask him to show me. he turns his phone so i can see and shows me a video of a girl crying talking about a test. Saying the same things that happened to me. I start crying and my boyfriend hugs me but then i start screaming. Every person is sitting up perfectly still, not moving and staring straight ahead. I keep screaming but everybody is frozen still. May 14, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
My 3 children and i are standing alone in the dark outside in the mountains scared of what was coming. behind us was a small shack or cabin broken down and old. all around us was tall pine trees when i looked up i sky in a circle opening of the tree tops. dark sky with lots of stars. as we stood there waiting for something to happen all the sudden a huge tsunami wave came and as we braced our selves it hit us and we went underwater. it broke down peices of the cabin and i would grab a floating peice that broke off and put the boys on it so they could stay above water. and then it just went away. all the water went down and before you knew it we were standing there again scared waiting for it to happen. i felt helpless and scared. The tsunami came again and went away a few times. right before the dream ended i looked up in the sky to see 3 full moons side by side. very bright and big. the end November 13, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I pulled up to a super market and got out of my car and noticed people screaming pointing up. I looked up and saw a horse shoe shaped air craft the size of a huge city. On top of the craft were huge sky scrapers and statues. I heard explosions go off and saw people running. I hurried to get home to my children when I saw 4 men exit a small craft and they were 7ft tall no less dressed in all white garments. They were black men. They took me and explained to me what was happening and why. They said i had to go with them to survive and they showed me glimpses of their home and told me they were here to destroy the earth and a certain group in it. July 11, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream of my neighbors house being remodeled. It was completely different. I had been in my house which was like a glass house with glass walls and it was stormy and the wind blew the door glass out. I had been unexpectedly visited by my deceased grandmother and her friend while there were two spiders that turned into puffer fish. I was mad at my neighbors over something and I was walking to the police department where I seen a marathon, and I had been at the neighbors house and I had seen my ex boyfriend (neighbor) who looked deformed and a blonde female laying on the bed who also looked deformed. I had been upset and hit the blonde. I then woke up to Eminem "So long bitch you did me so wrong living in this world without you". May 18, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis