I had a dream that I told my niece to write the types of love for me but she couldn’t do it because she’s still a child I angrily take her to her mom my sister and report her and leave my sister comes to me and my mom explaining that she didn’t do it because my niece didn’t know how to not because she didn’t want to I got angry and refused to forgive my niece and lied that she did the writing of love last year I then refuse to baby sit and caused chaos in the house my sister then goes to work but calls my mom to talk to me to please forgive and watch my niece I go out to an event expecting to catch my crush lying to me but when I got there he was telling the truth that he wasn’t there I then rush into love with a stranger get married and heart broken then my sister says don’t rush August 03, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at my lover's home. We were alone on the second floor. His wife was not at home. There was a staircase that went to a walk-up attic. As we passed the stairs, he said that he smelled something burning, he went up the stairs, opened the door and we saw a substantial fire I attempted to call 911 on my phone, but repeatedly, there was no icon to make the call. I asked him for the address so I could report it to 911. He wrote it down for me. I tried and tried to get the phone to be able to dial out. I could not. My lover has a phone, but he never once attempted to call 911. He just waited for me to do ìt. He was really calm about it and was waiting for me to be able to make the call. He didn't get his phone and attempt to call. Finally, I think that I got through. Then, still, in his house, we were kissing long and standing in the middle of the room, and allow a sudden, he gently but very firmly backed me up against the wall. Then he was kissing my chest and I was holding his head in both hands. August 02, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
So I was in my regular neighborhood but we were in London and right next to Disney world so me and my friend found this baby wolf but it looked bigger than a baby so any way we pet it then these to other dogs started chasing us so we ran into my house closed the door and eventually the dogs left then my friend was tired so she went home then I met this boy but he never told me his name any way he asked if he wanted me to go on the roller coaster with him but I was to scared so then I saw the horse I normally ride in our neighborhood and they were like doing little rides any way I already new how to ride so I got on the horse but then there were all these rules so I decided to get off then I went back to where the boy was waiting for me and there were these small baby dolls in boxes and it said mother and father bathing then it had like this address to a church but anyway I somehow got on of the dolls out of the box and it started talking so I tried to put it back but it kept coming back to me finally this lady come up to me and says do you want that doll to be gone and I said yes so she said ok but in a month you will have to move out of London so I said ok so she may the doll disappear and then I went up to the boy and said pinky promise something and he said that you’ll go on the roller coaster with me then I said no that we will spend as much time together as possible then he smiled and we went on the roller coaster July 28, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I am pregnant and I saw one of my widow relative touching my belly and she was in bridal attire July 30, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
So I was in my regular neighborhood but we were in London and right next to Disney world so me and my friend found this baby wolf but it looked bigger than a baby so any way we pet it then these to other dogs started chasing us so we ran into my house closed the door and eventually the dogs left then my friend was tired so she went home then I met this boy that I had a crush on but he never told me his name any way he asked if he wanted me to go on the roller coaster with him but I was to scared so then I saw the horse I normally ride in our neighborhood and they were like doing little rides any way I already new how to ride so I got on the horse but then there were all these rules so I decided to get off then I went back to where the boy was waiting for me and there were these small baby dolls in boxes and it said mother and father bathing then it had like this address to a church but anyway I somehow got on of the dolls out of the box and it started talking so I tried to put it back but it kept coming back to me finally this lady come up to me and says do you want that doll to be gone and I said yes so she said ok but in a month you will have to move out of London so I said ok so she may the doll disappear and then I went up to the boy and said pinky promise something and he said that you’ll go on the roller coaster with me then I said no that we will spend as much time together as possible then he smiled and we went on the roller coaster July 28, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
"It's a universe and it's fully red and dark with stars, there is a cluster of planets vibrating with high intensity with the moons around them also vibrating, me and my mom are standing in the window of our bedroom looking at it when I tap my finger on the smaller moons and move them away from the main planets and they go away with a trail, then I get to know those moons were holding the planets in a hold blocking them. When I clear the path, a planet that is immensely blue comes swiftly near me and starts bumping me. We frantically run here and there and in the panic I slap the planet away when it breaks into two and a bright blue light emits from within and suddenly I am floating in the air with a tight hold and my body is frozen in that hold. My mom is shouting but in that second I am abruptly taken in the universe leaving a trail of black path behind me" August 03, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that one of my roommates came back from India. In the dream, I also had a dream about me and another friend going back to our home country." July 31, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I m a single lady. I dreamed i have three girls and a boy. I was holding the youngest girls and wanted to buy them shoes.i also told the boy i will buy you clothes tomorrow. He politely asked if i can also buy him shoes. I said yes July 30, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis