We were sitting at the dinner table with my boyfriend s family and suddenly a nail narrowly misses my head he had tried to Murder me publicly and without remorse. I left to go upstairs and he followed me upstairs with hammer and nails in hand
I saw a hamburger patty and it was green and it was wispering really evil things to me so I ran away from it and it tried to grab me with its green tenticles.
Bought a white cage and five beautiful pink canary birds, an aquarium with fish and hamsters.
Having an argument with my father, he was yelling and screaming at me and I was trying to respond, trying to yell back but nothing would come out of my mouth it was as though I had no voice, i couldnt speak, and he left me, abandoned me, and I chased after him, I followed him to the house I grew up in and I was trying to talk to him but couldnt and I was afraid, he said horrible things to me, that he hated me, that he never loved me and that he was ashamed of me, that I wasnt his daughter any more. My mother was there, but my mom is dead. She just sat there, silently, she didnt move and didnt speak.
Diarrhea running down my legs. Relatives come but ignore it. feel ashamed.
I made the last basket in the basketball game to win the championships
I dreamed that I was a UFC fighter, fighting for the championship.
I dreamt my cat had kittens in the attic three beautiful ginger kittens we also had baby hamsters and guinea pigs in the attic
Some unknown individuals and I were on a summer trip in Florida and it was a completely normal scenario. We were at the beach and had rented a beach house but suddenly the setting changed and we were at Sea World about to watch Shamu. However, when the show started it was not a whale is was a group of synchronized swimmers and whenever they did well the trainers would throw them fish and pet their faces just like they would do to a whale or dolphin.
I dreamed that I was playing in the NBA, playing for the championship.