Roaches falling out of a bed when I shook it followed by a person showing me a picture of thirteen witches. All of whom theyhe said I've met irl or in other dreams.
I saw baby lord krishna in my dreams and he smiled at me and when i chase him he disappeared
Pick Africa oil beens in my dreams
Dreams of a storm came and a big lake of water was in my back yard but it didn’t overtake my home and I was still living in it but couldn’t get to the back yard because of the lake and my brother whom has not been speaking to me for over a year now came down and asked how is your home still Standing and we’ve had so much rain there is a lake or ocean in your backyard
I have frustration dreams. Packing clothes not enough clothes not the right clothes
Frequent dreams of no clean clothes, dirty laundry.
I have many dreams and scary dreams that I don't understand why I am having these dreams every night, I wake up screaming scare to move and when I do move I turn on all the lights in my apartment, I am 72 years old and I want to know why I am having these dreams and can I make them stop, in the beginning it was snake and large spiders and last night it was coming down my mirror a long object with spiders all around, I have seen my young grandson go under my bed and I saw his hand trying to reach for me.....I have seen spiders in my overhead ceiling light, my heart always pounds hard and I get so scare at times that I can not move this has been going on for months...…. I have spoke to my Family doctor and she said that it was "Twilight" why doesn't it stop, I am so worn out to the point of being sick. Thank you and I hope you can help explain what might be going on..... Gloria
Thank you for your help.
Dreams with exes in them
I dreamed that I killed and/or murdered a person. I sliced their throat and stabbed them in the temple in other dreams... This dream is repeated.
I dreamed that I killed a person. I sliced their throat and stabbed them in the temple in other dreams... This dream is repeated.