Understand My Dreams

Dreams animals

To walk around an unknown victorian house, with people I don't know. Some strange advice to leave, but I keep getting detracted by what is there. People I don't know acting strange. People start dying. Then a cutscene zooming into a puppy with big dark eyes. The eyes pull me in. Then I'm in a room of the house again and I'm watching a man die. He is nice and was making me feel comforted in this house, where I have only felt anxiety. I remember it was something that turned into a fit before he died. The puppy again shortly after he dies...Somehow I think the murderer is the puppy. After so many times…I grab the puppy and run. It turns into a kitten but it's clawing me and I react, and I feel the bones crunch. I am outside.. The yard is very large, I am in the garden. The garden is full of angels, I don't look at the angels and I don't blink. I set the kitten down. It's dead. I can't decide if I feel okay because it's murderer or terrible because it's a kitten. Mostly how did it become a kitten when it was just a puppy. The next death in the house is no longer a puppy and now they're all kittens. The last thing I see is a watch with pink straps in my hand. I am setting it down in the garden. The animals I brought down there are not there anymore. I notice more angels in the garden. I stare at one for a while. Realize a certain angel wearing the necklace of a recent victim…it's pink as well. The realization of each victim in the house becoming an angel in the garden kills me. Wakes me up. Whatever you want to call it.

A lion is running at me then it stops infront of me.it bows its head to me so i may ride it. i get on the lion and a beast that is half human and half cat puts a crown on my head. then i run through the forest on the lion. i begin to smell smoke. i keep going and i find an open field. in the field i see my friends fighting in a bloody battle against my clubs enemies. i see blood, destruction, fire, and hardship. the animals come to help my friends fight. i go to help aswell but i find myself ontop of a fort ordering my friends and troops. then i finaly get to the battle field. i fight with all my might and with all my strength. i did not give up. in the end we won.but we suffered greatly.

Walking to my new house with my boyfriend . He gets me into a petting zoo, but it's more like a tunnel that is completely filled with water. Flexible, though. I go in, and I can breathe, and i'm delighted to see all these animals. None of the animals are ones I recognize, but they are brightly colored and have tentacles and shells. The last one is this bright blue shrimp, and as I was moving on, it latched onto my leg. I was not scared. The tunnel deflated, and I realized this was their way of limiting time in the tunnel. As I came out of the flattened tube, a tentacled thing was stuck to my leg, all deflated as well, but I knew once they added water back, all the animals would be fine. It was a happy experience

Last night I dreamt that I was in a building with several groups of people (almost as if the groups were going to have some sort of competition) at each station (opened room) there was a window or opening that allowed u to get into a large pool of water (I'm not sure how the building would not flood upon opening window, bc it was similar to an aquarium, like you are under ground somewhat and can see the animals swimming... Except there were no animals in my dream, just a clear, calm large pool/tank of water)... My group was getting ready and we had a human head (no body, just head) to use for the competition... The head looked exactly like a human head of a man (not sure who he was) except his head was almost robotic or like a computer of some sorts filled with all the knowledge we would need... Although this head looked just like a real human, when he opened his eyes they would looked like electrical green computer codes lighting up and uploading to the brain (which I could not see the brain just had a sense that's how it worked) someone came by and told us to get ready to start soon... I think 1 teammate walked outside and we were going to send someone to get him and we decided to also walk over to the middle of the building to a community closet charging station to put our "head" on a charger before we began to make sure it was fully charged... We felt confident that we were going to win... We left the head charging and saw our last teammate walk in and were talking with him and began walking back over to our group station and as we did we looked out into the pool of water and saw that someone from an opposing team dropping our "head" into the pool... 1 of our teammates ran outside and was about to dive in to get the head so maybe we could salvage it.. We were all upset and knew that the water would ruin the technology we needed in the head to win... At the same time my teammate was diving in the water from the top, my other teammates opened the window and I swam through it thinking I would help, our head had made it to the bottom of the pool by this time and as my teammate and I made the swim to the head, he picked up and as soon as he did blood starting gushing out from the base/neck of the head and I was confused why the head without a body and full of technology would have human blood in it and grossed out that I had to swim through it... I closed my eyes and silently told myself I could do it, just keep swimming back to the window and I would be okay and we would figure it out... As I began to swim towards the window under water, I could feel that I was swimming through the warm blood and was feeling grossed out, but kept telling myself I could do it, I was almost there. And I finally made it back to the window opening and opened my eyes and saw my teammate holding the head and a cloud of red blood in the water, I helped him get inside with the head first, then I swam through the window back inside... And then I woke up my dream and have wondered why I would dream something like this... I was not scared in my dream and I was not scared upon waking... I am just curious as what this dream could mean and what I can learn from it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I was awake but asleep when this dream happened. I went to my aunts house and there were all these animals that she had and they were just crawling around. I was suddenly tired when i went to sleep on my cousins bed then i just wake up and see this demon like humanoid who watched me sleep. She was floating and it seemed like she had scaly skin , darkened hollow eyes,and flowing blackish grey hair. I fainted after seeing this creature. I then woke up under a bathtub being able to breathe under water. I look into the mirror to see this sweet innocent girl smiling at me, but as i kept staring at her face get turning into a horrible figure like the previous demon i encountered. Slowly drifting away into darkness i woke up again back on the bed. I got a message from my bestfriend telling me everything was going to be fine your just seeing things. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran out into a hallway confused because my aunts house wasn't that big. Realizing that i had left my ipad behind i tried to go back but i only managed to get a bear i had dropped. When i was about to go into the room the lights turned off by itself and a door opened. The lights of the hallway started flickering , and thats when i knew i should start to run. I kept running and running knowing that whatever was in this house is following me. I finally got out the door terrified only to see my parents waiting for me . I told them i didnt want to go home i was to afraid of whatever was in there following to my house. I'm not the religious person but i was seriously considering getting a priest so he can bless my house and tell me whats going on. My dream then cuts to me talking to my cousin but i am unable to explain to her what happened at her house. I then go to this center where i see my bestfriend who is for some reason on a tricycle. I also see my crush saddened on a couch. I then embarrass myself in front of him and just leave my stuff there and follow my bestfriend who then has a clown mask. Her and my crush then both have horrendous clown masks. Finally it was time to go when i went to get my stuff and i see my crush helping me. I ask him for some of my stuff which for some reason were lollipops. He gave me one but i knew i had more, he then started to smile at me and giggle and gave me my favorite lollipop which he apparently knew. I then left smiling and arrived school only to find a drunk person. I knew him but i cant figure out from where. He then got closer and attacked me. I tried to fight back but i couldnt. The police came and escorted him away. That is how my dream ended .

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