A frightening man, with what looks like a jig saw mask knocks on my door, window, etc. He taunts me by calling my name, but using my mothers voice, when he attacks me, but I always defend myself and subdue him, he disappears and returns later, it seems like he only wants to scare me, not harm me.
I was being chased by a figure in all black with just a mask on. Eventually it caught me and was about to kill me.
Woke up in middle of night see scary man in mask walking towards me
I had a wreck in an eighteen wheeler it flipped i got out and then masked men started shooting
I had a dream that starting at the back of my baby's head the fine hair was masking tissue growth in the shape of tiny intennae...pale flesh at the start then blue at the end on some. Then I noticed this was just an opening to a hole in her head which was covered in this fleshy horrible growth. It felt horrible to touch, I woke up feeling sick and can't get the vivid image out my head.
Im kneeling in front of a masked man its dark and he has a gun pointed at my head i wake up before he shoots the gun
Some friends and I were goofing around and kept going to different restaurants and public places with paintball guns, water guns, silly string, and anything of the sort. We would hide around corners and then start shooting at people. Eventually someone would chase us out and we ran down the street and jumped over fences to get away from them. Then I was back at school in one of the guys' dorms, and one of them handed me a package. When I looked inside there were two Halloween masks--one was a gas mask and the other was a freaky, deformed mask with an open mouth and pointed teeth. I glanced behind me and saw that I was being chased with people in other scary masks. I ran as fast as I could and then the masks disappeared.
Masked men
Masked shooters
I was at my grandmothers house and the power got cut and my grandma was screaming and saying how something was out to get us, so i tried to blocade the door, but it got knocked down and it was a large man with some kind of scary mask, and he had a very large knife, but just then my father showed up and tried to save me but either he gets killed or pushed down, but i had been hiding behind a matress and when the man came in he stared at me and killed my grandmother and then i tried to protect myself but then he stabed me in the neck and i wake up