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Dreams load

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I am in a building that reminds me of an office or a police building and I am talking to someone about making food. I start gathering the supplies I will need but cannot locate a stock pot I walk through a door and there is what appears to be a line for washing dishes with a pile at the end of a pseudo conveyor belt and a shower head type of nozzle spraying liquid down onto a pair of plates the only doorway I see is through the shower sprayer so I turn it off and grab a few plates and set them down on the "lunch-line" style counter on the other side. then I realize that the plates are still dirty and that instead of turning off the shower it is spraying onto the tile floor. I put the plates back as I climb through the same window/door that I came in through but there is a person doing the dishes now I apologize to them and hand them the plates and keep looking for the stock pot.I find it and grab it it is one of the blue ceramic covered pots. I walk through a door and suddenly I am in a mall with the pot I know that I am running late and I need to open my chilli shop and I am walking down massive corridor of shops looking at signs trying to find "my" shop. the same scene I s played again but this time I am jogging. I realize that there is a person following me so am now trying to avoid him while looking for my shop dipping through the food court and I keep going from the left "isle" to the right. this new scene is they played again with me jogging away but this time I knock someone over in the food court and I knock over a trash can. I walk/run into a random store. I am no longer holding the chilli pot I am in a giant "home depot" and I am searching for something but I do not know what the man is still following me but not with malice like in the last section I am silently trying to avoid him while more imperatively trying to find the part I need suddenly he starts running and so do I down an isle then down another we are then on the "main" isle and he is not behind me he is running directly beside me his this section of running down the main isle replays four times the first time with him looking straight forward, the second with him looking straight at me with eyes that are pitch black and black teeth in what can only be described as a devils grin and reaches out for me. the third he is looking forward again but I do not feel malice towards him, and th the last one he is running like he is running for his life looking up and obviously afraid of what he sees. a person starts yelling "nick o my god come back look at the ceiling o my god come back" as they are yelling this I look to where the man was looking and notice that they have three vehicles that look like palate jacks rushing to hold up the ceiling I am no longer aware of the man following me I see that the roof looks like it is collapsing but instead of running back the way I came I run as fast as I can down the isle and through the glass doors that lead to a parking-lot with a large loading dock overhang I here people screaming and loud crashes and when I look to my left there is a semi trailer being pulled into the air by a beam that is barely visible. sections of the roof and people are being pulled into the air and dissappear into a low cloud bank as I am running cars near me start doing the same thing they start getting pulled into the air and vanish from my mind as they do so. I realize that being in open ground is a bad idea so I run towards the awning to get underneath something there is a black gentleman sitting on a bench who apparently does not know what is going on I tell him to look behind him and he is startled but not panicking he starts talking to me about what we can do and as he asks the awning comes off but neither of us get pulled up I feed like I am starting to be lifted but I run over to a pair of trees no more that six or seven feet tall and wrap the trunks around my arms I feel myself being pulled but the roots don’t give out an I am not lifted then I stop being pulled and ants come out from under the trees I let them go and I realize that the loud humming I had heard before was gone (I had not heard it but this is the feeling that I had) the black gentleman and I go into the "home depot" to look for supplies I don’t see I only see one other person there and he is looking a product on a shelf like nothing happened but there are shelves knocked over everywhere and debris covers the floor. he walks over to a rack with backpacks while I am explaining that we will need to make weapons and shelter and food and start laying out a plan of how we will get "them" back (aliens I suppose but this is more of an unsure feeling at the time possible invaders from a different country etc) I start telling him what to grab and I walk up to him apologize if what I ask sounds racist and ask him if he knows what non perishable means he says he understands and that he does know what it means he tells me I am satisfied he then says "wait I know who you are. you are Nicholas James Booth" I stop momentarily and turn he says" you know my girlfriend she says that you are the only person that will be able to stop "them"" I laugh and tell him he is overestimating me. (not objecting to the wrong last name thought I knew it was wrong) and I start telling him a list of provisions that we will need and how much food to put in the packs. suddenly his " girlfriend " is sitting in a shopping cart staring at us and my reactions is to say "make that three backpacks" he grabs another one and we continue I am looking at various supplies and selecting the ones we will need(micro fishing rods , fire starters, tarps, tents, axes, knives, lumber for bows, camp stove fuel) it was in the middle of the selection process that I woke up.

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