I had a dream last night about my ex- boyfriend of 1 year.I was passing this shop then with my friend then I saw him, so I told my friend to go I'll catch up then I went to my ex and greeted him and he greeted me too then I said I'm sorry he said no I'm the one sorry but he looked like a begger, someone on their way out gave him money then I looked at my ex- boyfriend ...I knew that we where broken up and I had no feelings for him...what does this mean "help".
Last night i dreamt i was a young girl and was outside a room where there were numerous unseen people. my name was called out from this room by a woman with a dramatic voice. i was timid so just put my face round the opening to the room, when suddenly, a black cat that was slinky and very bezutiful came face to face and as i opened my mouth in surprise, the cat licked my tongue
My ex in-laws house is haunted and whatever is in there is after me. Had this dream quite a few times but last night I was stood outside the house and it was trying to drag me in. I managed to get down the road and away
Last night I had a dream that I was old enough to drive myown car and I was 16,and me and my brother went to this house address,and we went in and something dragged me down the hall,and next thing you now I looked up at my broteher,and his words of his shirt was floating up in the air to the dictionary,and I knew then he was dead,and I sneek out the house and my brother was in the car sleeping, and I was happy.
I had a dream last night that I was chasing my friends while being chased while playing the piano in a garden and then I just showed up in a bar and then i was on a train with wind blowing with loud christian music playing but it was my favorite song and then, I was in a restaurant.
I dream a lot but last night I dreamed I was looking for a restroom to use. I walked a distance to find one and it had women in the stalls. I waited to go in. Poop was being washed out of the stalls everywhere. It was terrible. I saw water coming through to clean it past me and it was messy. I went to find a person to get them to fix the problem. My cousin was with me who I haven't seen in a while.
My 13 year old daughter had a dream last night about giving birth to a baby boy and she said it felt real although she said that she was having a hard time giving birth cause the baby was stuck and couldn't come out but she said it was a happy and frustrating dream. She said that had to give her needles where they shouldn't be giving it. But when she woke up she was just shoked and actually thought she was about to give birth. She said that when the doctors told her she was having a boy it started getting exiting then all of the sudden she was freaking out
I dream last night : a man knock the door than he enter directly to my room , I saw him I didn't feel afraid just he looks at me a turning around my bed and then he left
I have a recurring dream about a house and I want to get to a lovely sunroom but I have to pass this huge lounge which is dark and makes me scared. Last night my dream was in that room and it was a lounge/bedroom. I was standing on the sofa/bed waving a duvet and looking at a clock on the wall and I was shouting loudly bring it on. Suddenly the clock started knocking against the wall and turning so fast it flew off the wall. I ran and fetched my sister shouting that she should come and see what was happening but she was very reluctant. Then she ran to the kitchen where my mom was sitting. I was crying hysterically but mom was very calm. She looked at someone behind me and said it's poltergeists, where is Nick. I woke up then.
Dream that I was with my grandma and two sisters, digging for things in the ground. And then there was. Big Ferris wheel looking thing. My dad and step mom showed up. I was still mad at her from a previous dream I had last night. Also my step mom's dad showed up in the dream.