Understand My Dreams

Dreams husband

I dreamed that I went into my aunt's room and saw somebody in her bed and knew she was in the kitchen with some people. I asked who was in her bed and her deceased husband raised up. I turned and on my way to the kitchen I ran into a man and someone said this is Wayne and I proceeded into the kitchen and told my aunt her husband was in her bed. She went into the bedroom where he was standing and they proceeded to hug. As she was hugging him I see his hand changing and I told her that was not him and he turned into a witchy looking woman. I laid my hands on her chest and begin to pray. then I woke up.

I dreamt I lived on a property with my husband. (In real life he died a year ago). I was sitting on the grass just outside the fence and a white cow leaned her head through and gently nuzzled me and licked my face. I heard my husband call out, "I think you have a friend for life there." Then I was sitting on the ground just outside the dooor to our house. Icould see inside a packet of chips. Half had been eaten, and it was closed to keep fresh. Next to it was an open chip packet filled with beautiful yellow lemons. My husband was further away outside the house with another woman. I ealised if I wanted him to come back to me I had to love and take care of myself.

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