Understand My Dreams

Dreams ham

Driving through building yards with one of my grandaughters in the car, ended up being in town j livd in 23 yrs ago then I my old place of work. Inside were lots of young builders in work clothes there was music playing, one of the builder's kept raking me up to dance. Then I went through corridor and came out in town I live now. My ex son-in-law was there waiting for a ham he'd won in a raffle. Then I went outside to picnic area and was going to look for my car when a big female security guard appeared carrying a big bottle half filled with urine and demanded a sample from everyone before they could leave. I do not remember giving a sample or leaving.

I dreamt that I was in a room with golden, shining bricks all around it. Also in this room, there was a rather large window that went down to the floor. And out this window, revealed the beautiful, blue sky and the bright sun. I wasn't sure where the window went down to, but I felt as if I was very much raised upon the ground, as if my golden-bricked chamber was part of a canyon. I was feeling very warm, almost hot, probably because of the sun's powerful light. And by this low window, I saw hair of my color (dark blond) by my feet. Then, I felt as if someone was pulling on my hair, and I tried to grasp the hair that was closer to my head so it wouldn't hurt as much. Next, someone was standing in the window. It was a boy that looked about eighteen years old. He had a very pale face and pale blue eyes. He had dark blonde hair like me (but it was short!). He smiled lovingly at me, and walked right up to me. He said "I love you. You mean the world to me." or something like that. The next minute, he took me into his arms and kissed me romantically on the lips. I was shocked at first, then I found myself putting my arms around him too, accepting his kiss. The kiss lasted for several minutes it seems. Then, he released his arms from me, and then, smiling brightly and lovingly at me again, he stepped away and descended from my room. I think that I was Rapunzel and that that boy was the Prince.

I was with mihir and vamsi one night doing stupid stuff as usual and I was running around the street but then a car going like 394748494 mph almost ran us over but it stopped right before it hit us The person driving the car ended up being Sanjana and she was with two guys Mihir was like shit is this a hookup And she didn't say anything, just had a guilty face on and drove away with the two freaky looking white men So I came back to her dorm and susmita was her roommate and I was looking around trying to find answers And I found out that she and shamaas broke up and susmita and Sanjana were eating some type of candy It was weird candy But then A (pretty little liars) showed up and took a candy of the same color that Sanjana was eating (pink), and mixed some chemical in it, basically drugging Sanjana who eventually ate it And then the two white men showed up and she just left So I went and called 911 but susmita was telling me not to and that we should just find her But I said we should have 911 looking for her too But when I called 911, there was some type of group call where some lady was tellin them about her breakup and 911 wasn't helping with my case at all So we both ran to find Sanjana but then in the dream, the person switched to manasa And we found manasa and Moni(her cousin) came too, back to the dorm And manasa's parents were there And manasa was like my parents knew we were fighting and the scene switched to my house where everyone was cooking and manasas dad was yelling at manasa and monisha I was making paneer o.o And then the scene switched and I was at some lake resort water park with my baby cousins and manasa and family And no one could fit into this one tunnel path thing...except for my baby cousin And she went over and came back because I yelled at her to and then my mom was like YOURE ON YOUR PERIOD WHY ARE YOU IN THERE and that was the end of the dream

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