I was sitting on the beach eating a sandwich and a shark suddenly came up out of the water and ate me. May 05, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was a boy with short black hair and blue eyes. I was in WWII. All I can remember right now is I was on a beach looking for survivors. There was a lot of debree, but there was no one around. I finally found a dog under what looked like to be a dresser. It was a medium size with long white fur with caramel spots. I looked at my friend and pointed out her dog. Everything flashed black and the beach was full of people and large trucks with storage areas. I was frantically running around looking for the dog from earlier, the same dog. I found it standing next to all my friends and I was a girl again. The dog was standing next to a close friend and I ran over and hugged it. The dog was wearing what looked to be a kelp necklace with little white flowers on it. I tried to get it to come with me but my grind stopped me because that dog was her slave now. I then volunteered myself to be a slave also to be with my dog and I ran around on all fours. May 03, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
In a beach house family having fun downstairs friends having fun upstairs witness mom engaged in fellatio with someone unknown to me April 24, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
In a beach house family having fun downstairs friends having fun upstairs and mom sexually engaged with a man April 24, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a group of people and my family. We were having an outing in a forest. I wander around and found a beach which divided into different part where people can freely swim, boating and ride in the boat. I went to try the swimming but I didn't go ahead because I don't know how to swim. So I asked the staff where's the exit and he show it to me. Because I'm so exhausted, I fell asleep on the side but I was afraid that if I roll I will be ended up in the beach which is very high. So, I move myself a bit further from the edge then sleep. When I woke up, I walked back to my family who is very concern of my where about and my sister told them that I am here now and not missing. That's where I finally wake up at 3am. May 22, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Standing at the beach watching waves and a baby Elephant came out of the wave and came up to me and loved me May 18, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Standing on the beach watching waves and a baby elephant came out of the water and was letting me pet it and he was loving me May 18, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
A family outing at the beach or river and having fun with my brothers May 14, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I visited India. Paid a lot of money for a guide book. Walked to our destination past a Ln unpleasant beach full large English tourists. Saw a Giant Horse and got chased by a tiger. May 19, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis