Having an argument with my father, he was yelling and screaming at me and I was trying to respond, trying to yell back but nothing would come out of my mouth it was as though I had no voice, i couldnt speak, and he left me, abandoned me, and I chased after him, I followed him to the house I grew up in and I was trying to talk to him but couldnt and I was afraid, he said horrible things to me, that he hated me, that he never loved me and that he was ashamed of me, that I wasnt his daughter any more. My mother was there, but my mom is dead. She just sat there, silently, she didnt move and didnt speak. April 07, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My friend and I was walking down a street and we came up to a group of boys that was make a decision to beat up a boy as a group which was my grandson, so when one the boys noticed that I was the boys grandmother they wanted to beat up they decided to come after me and my friend so I want tell him what they planned to do to him so my friend and I started to run and we came to place where we could crawl into it was a white square glass like low place that we had to crawl into we continue to crawl to get to the other side to come out, as I began to crawl in the front in the first and my friend was behind me so continued to crawl as I got further to the back I saw I saw laying there, so I told my friend to go back because she was a afraid of dogs. I told her I must go on and go through to the end to come out so I got close to the dogs but as I got close I saw an electrical wire going across the place and then I saw a fence like place then I saw a tube look like a breathing tube from a machine going straight across the place as I went further I saw two white small dogs they just laid there they didn't move at ll even thought I got close to them so I went a little further crawling on my knees and green grass were under my knees so I came up to two more dogs but there were a big black dog on my left and a big brown dog on my right but hey were chained up they didn't move at all the just looked at me then I heard a voice say to me I will make even the vicious beast be at peace with you. April 28, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm in a car driving and come to an intersection. I'm afraid to go even though I see that the trafficlight is green because I don't really trust that it is really green. April 25, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
In a large building lots of rooms fun all around water slides, pools for swimming and streams for boats, I swim over to the boat it takes off and people are jumping off the boat to swim but I want to stay on the boat and am afraid If i jumped in too I could get back on the boat and the boat is a fun happy place May 04, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm in a car driving and come to an intersection. I'm afraid to go even though I see that the signal is green because I don't really trust that it is really green April 25, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm in car driving and come to an intersection. I'm afraid to turn because even though I see that the light is green I'm afraid its not green. April 25, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm at a traffic light and I think its green but I'm too afraid to go because I feel it may not really ne green. April 25, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was sleeping on compund wall with open eyes on a bright day (may it was a kind of evening) one person who's hip was tied with a rop and that was holded by another person behind. Both theses persons were laughing. They walk towards me and they wanted to shake hand with me, but I was felling uncomfortable to shake hand and avoided them. But still they were insisting and I started levaing that pleace, however they still approaching me and I was really afraid of them a started running, I turn back and saw were they still following but they henven't following, I ran too far. But when I was checking on people following me I saw a bus and disappeared. I kept on running looking for a way to reach home, however I enter a old building. I saw people sitting on the side of the road of a basement in that building, I was stilled feared to ask them for a path. However I asked one old man sitting but he didn't talk to me. I kept running inside the building and reached a place ans stopped runing and started walking. I saw many women, some are aged, some young. At last I reached the balcony kind of place where I saw a huge broader four road junction with very little traffic of vehicles and people. The balcony didn't had any kind of stop wall it was a open. I saw if I can jump but it would have been a wrong decision if I have jumped, so was wondering how to read the road. After a while a mid aged lady took a small tumbler on her right hand a swing it and hit on my right upper chest and that tiny tumbler went inside my chest. I woken up from sleep, but still on bed, having very disturibed sleep. I was afraid and started praying. I forceful woken up myself as I was to rush to work. April 14, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreaming of a gost that wake u up and make u frightend and the a snake is turning around u and u are afraid that somone is gona catch u May 15, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis