I get in a car wreck and put into a comma andwhen I wake up I speak a different language than what I was born with
Car wreck passed out
I am in a wrecked car holding a baby when the cars exploded
Being a homewrecker
Temperature was high yesterday, then very low today. on bus with boyfriend , he was flirting with a girl in front. On holiday, boyfriend wouldn't sleep with me. in car with my mother, baby seat in the back, car was wrecked. she got stopped by police.
Was in a van with my mother and son. son looked hurt so we went to hospital, but mother wrecked the van. i thought we were going to fall down a cliff so i punched out the window, got glass stuck in my hand. hospital staff stole my son. later a fugitive befriended my husband and kidnapped our son.
I was driving down the road and hit two deer and wrecked. I called my mom to tell her where I was and she told me to be careful cause the deer will attack. When I hung up the phone the deer started running towards me and turned into dogs. Right when the dogs bit me I woke up.
While driving my car a wreck takes place. Several cars are wrecked. I am unhurt by the accident.
Me having gay sex with another male....i feel happy doing it but my head do be wrecked when i wake up