Understand My Dreams

Dreams wings

Okay, I know this is odd, but I'm curious as to the meaning. I was waiting tables and going to get to-go cups for the table. Then the next room was semiliar to a hospital. I saw my dead friend Jennifer and touched her shoulder. She turned and looked at me surprised that I could see and touch her. We were really happy and spent some time hanging out in a hospital room. I realized that I had not taken care of my table at work and I asked her what she knew about changing time. She said that she would take care of it and we smiled and said goodbye to one-another. I then went back to the table I had waited on and they were gone. I saw a to-go cup on the table and part of me worried that she was unsuccessful and the table would have left mad. I looked at the ticket and It was a different table and had another servers name written on it with a total of $5.47. It had, "call me plz" written on it, but I noticed that she didn't leave the male server a tip, so I looked around to see if it was on the table or in a ticket book. I noticed many beautiful cartoon like crayon colored drawings and put them in his book where a tip would go. I also found a lot of change on the table and moved a curtain and found more change and 2 or 3 lighters. I got distracted in the dream and something woke me up as he walked up to the table.

I am in a desert but there is about a mile long pool of water that is about 3 foot deep and im im walking in the middle of it i just wearing shorts i see a crocodile it has a yellow aura around its eyes that are also yellow it starts chasing me i run then it grabs my leg and swings me back and forth and it lets go and im thrown from its jaws i am thrown about a mile and end up in the sand near a town but i can still see the alligator but i'm out of the water them i wake up

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