Understand My Dreams

Dreams waves

I got into my 20 year old jeep to discover it was parked at the top of a very steep hill facing down. I thought it was going to tumble over and tried to ask a man passing to help but he walked on. I instinctively and slowly released the handbrake and it began to roll - it was ok. I got out at the bottom of the hill where there was a garage? Then I noticed the tyres were almost completely gone - they were done to the metal like they'd been attacked with acid or ripped away. I wondered who would do that to my car, but left it there and went on into a large room where people were. Some of them I knew from voluntary work I do. There were lots of children playing on an escalator/slide - I told them to take their shoes off, which they did but left them on the escalator where they slid everywhere. I walked over to another moving floor where other were playing - It developed pleats/ waves and swallowed up one of them. The child seemed to be all right though as if she didn't panic. I kept thinking I should be doing more but wasn't sure what or how to manage it all.

On a sail boat with family in the ocean , a powerful storm came(at night) with huge tidal waves crashing and spinning my boat all around. tidal wave after tidal wave some 20 or 30 feet tall. hit the boat and flipped and rolled it over as water was pouring i had only 10 sec to take a breath as we rolled over and over gasped for air only letting a small amount out and taking in water to my lungs as we turned up right and the water drained out i could see light but the storm was not over yet so i ran out side to try and secure my boat with a friend the tidal waves kept on coming and finely one knock me way away from my boat and family when i realized what had happen i looked up and saw the biggest one yet a 100 footer and i look around for a safe place and just saw tidal waves all around so i ran into a out house ( bathroom) with the friend and waited for the impact when it all changed. Im now stepping out the shower and drying off like i just got finished with my shower and everything is bright and sunny and my family is there and every is telling me that ever thing is going to be ok then i realized that non of us had made it threw the storm

I had a dream last night that I was at someone's house, my grandpa was there but it wasn't his house and I was there with my 2 yr old and my mom, my 1 yr old wasn't there or not born yet. I was talking with my mom and I looked out the kitchen window and saw waves lapping at the grass in the backyard, instead of being frightened and taking my son to safety, I took him outside, with mom yelling to be careful through the door. I was standing at the edge and the water was lapping my toes and slowly started to get deeper, there were boats now driving in the water. I somehow ended up at the edge of the house and remembered I had brought my son out with me, I called out for him and turned back and that's when I saw him floating face down in the water. I screamed and then I woke up I have never left him or forgot him anywhere and I always keep a close eye on him when we're around water. Needless to say this dream terrified me and I wish I knew what it meant to help ease my mind

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