Had a dream last night that I got an abortion.I am not pregnant and my tubes are tied.I never had an abortion or went with anyone when they did.in my dream I remember the nurse,I remember the room,I remember the process.I remember the noises and the lights.I remember crying for my baby.I remember afterwards,the cramping the bleeding.everything was so real.when I woke up my hands were both clenched so tightly that I could barely move my fingers
My sister who is deceased was looking and trying to come in thru a glass door than walked away last night in my dream
I have a lot of reoccurring dreams. Lately I have been having a lot of dreams involving a new guy in my life. Never a guy that I have met already but a new guy that I can just feel the intensity in our connection and it is very vivid and realistic. I also have a lot of dreams involving my family and I have been having a lot of family issues lately but it's almost like my dreams are predicting my future in a way.. like last night I had a dream that my sister and I got in an argument about something and how she always interrupts me and doesn't let me finish my sentences and that's exactly what happened today. It's like my dreams are trying to warn me about things that are going to happen in my life and they are giving me a chance to take control of the situation but I don't like having these constant overwhelmingly realistic dreams that I can't control and can't understand
I had a dream last night that I was holding a baby, she was a girl and she was very beautiful and as I held her up to look at her, she was looking back at me also, ash looked to be about 4-5 months old she had curly hair and pretty brown eyes. This isn't the first dream I had about me holding a baby girl?
My dream last night was horrid… It gave me an explanation of why some people barely talk to me and tend to avoid me now. Even sending me false texts that I thought were real. Emily send me a text saying hey, I refused to respond given how little she responds to me, my subconscious actions are sometimes cruel. Then Matias showed me something horrible… Something really depressing to myself. One of my past favorite friends of the past, Jonathan, simply rejected me because he felt I was annoying, a loser, someone who just made him look bad. Mattias brought me to multiple scenes where he expressed this idea into why I could not be invited to hangout with them after classes. In the last event he could see me simply because I wished it to be true. He looked at me in disgust and told me I was a loser and to get away. I don’t know how I feel about this. Afterwards I left without saying a ward, fistbumped Mattias my thanks (alongside nodding thank you) and left. Later on I was in a rush to get away from something or someone so I hid in my mind’s version of Ryan’s house (we were also being yelled at by the school’s security guard along the way since he knew we didn’t live in these buildings). For some reason as well Meghan was there (she had her own room). I slept in a separate room alongside my dad while Kaitlin slept in Meagan’s room (for some reason my dad gave the suggestion if I wanted to sleep in her room, I had declined with “No! That’s weird”). Later me and Kaitlin were setting up a game of chess along a beautiful background of the seaside (the ocean wasn’t present next to the house before this scene).
In my dream last night I lost my clitoris. I looked everywhere for it. I even tried masterbating to look for it, but it wasn't there and nothing was happening. So I looked around for a long time and asked people where my clitoris was, but I couldn't find it!
I dreamt that my son passed away last night. It felt so real that I had to go into his room and make sure he was ok.
I dream last night that my husband has high fever and I'm the one taking care of him
.I had a dream about you last night...really weird...it was your birthday and me, you and your sister (?) and your mother (?) went in a huge blue van (?) to a bar in a town we didn't know surrounded by weird people we didn't know...since your mom decided to go at the last minute (and by the way she was a really pretty dark haired lady, dressed very nice), I had to cram myself
I dreamt i was being circled by lions last night so climbed up onto a swing trying to get away from them - very odd ...... wondering if your the Lion