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Dreams crash

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It was at night and my whole family was sleeping. In this dream, I had a sister, in real life I do not have a sister. During the night three men came into the house, they opened my sisters room and raped her. (I am female in real life) I felt as though i was a man in this dream. I remember, my mother telling me to run to the gray truck and get away. I drove as fast as i could, Then two of the guys chased me in their white truck with a 2 barreled riffle trying to shoot at me. It suddenly turned to a scene away from the house in a street i don't know but it was long. They were still chasing me and It was suddenly day time. I remember crashing the truck and feeling perfectly fine. I ran to my aunts house who was conviently close by, For some reason, i jumped her fence and went to the backyard, the fence was one of those picket white fences, with extremely healthy green grass and the sun was bright and everything looked calm and beautiful. I sat at my knees, and the two men stood behind me. I felt surrounded, but not in a bad way i told them something similar to " JUST DO IT ALREADY". They shot at a part of my back, I felt nothing. Then they shot at the right side of the crown of my head, everything looked fuzzy and muffled. I felt as though it was nothing. I then woke up with a shock, and a cold sensation on the spot they shot and "Killed me" in my dream. I was petrified for the rest of the timeLOL.

I went to find the cover of a movie and it started off normal with my dad and i turning into a complex off the street to find a cover. The complex then turned into a deserted area with 2 shacks and a pumpkin. We went into the larger shack and it was a haunted house. I don't know why i went in because i hate everything horror. We got until level 6. Level 6 contained a bear cub. He was lying in the middle of the floor. To get pass the level we had to step over the bear cub. But i knew that with a bear cub comes a mama bear. We ran when the mama bear popped out. My dad and I headed to the smaller shack. It had a sign on the front that read "Mr. Magnum's Movies." We entered and the room was very small. The floor was dirt and there were a set of stairs leading to a second landing. You could see the second landing clearly because it was only a couple of stairs up. On the second landing was an old desk with a very old man sitting at the desk. We asked him if he had the cover of the movie we had and he spoke into a microphone. His voice was barely a whisper we couldn't hear him. He told us that Mrs Natalie had it. He told us to go to the pumpkin outside of the shack and knock and enter. I was the only person who could fit so my dad didn't go in. I knocked on the pumpkin and then entered. It was small so i had to crawl. A lady with crazy, curly, brown hair popped out of the ground and told me to come down. I looked down the hole and found that i had to drop. I dropped into a hovel. It was all dirt and nothing else. She handed me the cover and i climbed out of the hole. When i got out my dad was nowhere to be found and the area had flooded. There was a boat so i hopped on it. It brought me across the water onto a large island and then it crashed. I was in a forest on the island because the ship crashed and i fell off. I heard crying. I followed it and saw 2 babies that were twins and a boy and girl that were 14 years old. The boy was blonde with brown eyes. His name was Evan. The girl had brown hair and brown eyes. Her name was Hannah. The 4 kids were siblings. We walked back to the cliff where you could overlook the water. A couple of days passed and a rescue team came but only dropped off a large table and chairs. A couple dressers and a desk. We set them up and 4 laptops were put on the desk as well. A kitchen magically appeared to the side of the table facing the water. A brown haired, brown eyed boy who was tall and strong appeared one day and became best friends with Evan. I was at the desk one day doing work when Evan came over to me and asked me if i liked Alex. Alex was sitting right there listening so i said "Are you serious?" Then i walked over to Alex put both of my hands on his cheeks and tried to turn his head to Evan. I then said "I mean look at his nose." Alex then said "Whoa, slow down. I've only known you a couple days." The boys then laughed about it. There was a path off to the side and i saw 3 girls from my school walking down it. I wasn't really friends with them but i told them that the boys were annoying me. The next day i was working on the laptop again and i smelt something good. I looked back at the kitchen and saw Alex cooking. But i saw 2 girls in white bikinis stroking his arm and resting their head on his shoulders. I felt really sad and my face fell because i did like him.

I was at school, and it must have been one of the last days of school, because there was no order to the day, everybody was just eating and hanging out and doing nothing. Then, everybody started preparing for a crisis of some sort. I remember going out into the hallway with my friend, and we started telling each other how grateful we were for each other and saying we hoped we survived. Then, I was in my theatre teacher's classroom (which wasn't even her classroom) and she started talking about how there was going to be huge crashes of lightning and clouds of mosquitos that would make us lose our hearing, or kill us. Everybody started crying, and I remember saying, "I don't wanna die! I've got shows to do!" Then she said, "12 minutes remaining," and we started preparing for the storm.

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