I was angry that no one knew it was my birthday so I stormed off, leaving my boyfriend alone at a party. He waiting for me and I came back to find him sleeping. I curled up beside him and went to sleep. In the middle of the night, it started snowing so we ran outside to play in the deep snow. Half-way through this, my boyfriend turned into a past lover. While playing in the snow, a bear came up and threatened to attack me. My lover distracted the bear and I ran away. I found help and we were able to kill the bear, I had a kitchen knife and I personally stabbed the bear till it was dead. My lover was badly hurt, but survived.
My best friend who I associated as a brother got angry with me and later he came to my house. He was my friend again. I asked him why he got angry. He just joked. While I was preparing tea for him, my father blamed me for any reason. When I came back to living room my friend was leaving my house. I called him but he didn't look at me. But another person who I do not know looked at me and said hi.
I was standing outside. Different colors of birds were flying around: red, yellow, blue, green, white with red and black, and a cardinal with its body's colors reversed. The birds came together, linked their wings, swooped down, and landed in front of me, on the ground. Then the birds flew back up, wings still clasped, and came back down on the ground.
Suddenly, my brother was laying on the ground, and he was trying to coax the white bird into coming to him. The bird came to him, he pet it, and the dream ended.
I had a dream that i moved jobs, but my ex partner was working there too, we worked side by side and was happy, but when i came back from lunch i had been moved. and had to sit with new people
I stitched a baby fox's head onto its body and it came back to life.
I suddenly appeared in the center of a carinval a week after I died. My best friend was happy after she found
Me there and hugged me and cried, but I was practically empty, I felt no love or fear. I had been torn out of heaven
For some reason and everyone was so happy I was alive, but I just wanted to find out how I was ressurected and why. I lived with my parents and my dads mentally challenged step brother. Everyone in town treated me like a miracle and
Then people started dissapearing from town and turing up dead, and I figured out that my step uncle was the serial killer and that my parents had been oblivious for years. I went to my old childhood friend's house to tell her I was alive and she asked what heaven was like, and I told her all I remembered was warmth and rest. I went home after confessing I came back from the dead wrong and then my step uncle tried to kill me and my family, only letting me stall because my previous death and screwed up past intrested him. I was finally able to get and then got emancipated from my parents.
I have had a recent breakup the relationship lasted three yrs, i have not spoken to him in over a week
all of a sudden i had this dream last night that he came back to look for me... and we picked up where we left off with our wedding and building our life
I had a dream that I was walking outside with my mom and sister. It was pretty dark outside and I was pulling a wagon with me that had a word search in it. While we were walking I heard a noise and I saw a guy coming toward us who tried to steal my purse. I tried to run away and dropped my word search in the process. I turned around and saw that he had a mask on and that he was still chasing after us. I saw that we were close to a building so we hid in a room. The room then became full of people and the guy couldn't find us. The people all left quickly and then he spotted us. The people came back but they had swords and armour on and they began fighting each other. While all this was happening I ran out and ran to my house and locked the door before my sister and mom could get in.
It started out I was laying in my bed imaging dying. it felt so real then all the sudden I felt like my soul came out of my body and came back in. It keep doing it none stop. I tried to scream but I couldn't move at all. Every time my soul would leave it would go further away I could feel it. Just to clarify I was my body the whole time not my soul I could only feel my soul
Sitting snuggling sleeping with my brother who has came back from memphis