Understand My Dreams

Dreams birth

It starts in my mothers Mary room who is a Aries and birthed me as a Aries as well. she speaks something unsure of what it was so I questioned. what was said not remembering her answer that time one of us brings up marijuana. so I ask if she wanna smoke with me her middle child for her first time in over 15 years she says ok. with no heisatation I'm so surprised I run to my room so I don't miss this chance. I open my closet and this expensive completely black box with the name ASHTAR engraved in the side. I never seen before but knew what was inside. from the box it was a deck of tarot cards with unknown significance & amazing depths of knowledge & awakening. grabbing it with both hands picking it up evenly and carefully on the sides I read the name then outta no where without me opening it it cracks and illuminates a golden light that awakens me conciously & actually woke me up and I believe made me remember that dream which was my first dream in years

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