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Dreams bike

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Well that i was in a pool with my family and there were other people there too. There were some bleachers and see how in the santa ana river there's a bike trail and if you want to go down to the river its all steep well for some reason it turned into that and one of my uncle's friend was walking through there with his like 10 month-1yr kid my uncle told him dont leave him alone his gona fall, the guy didnt listen and the little kid started rolling down towards the pool and this was a huge pool too i mean it was deep and the kid started sinking in right after that i was like i got him so i dived in but the kid was sinking so fast i didn't think i was gona get him nor hold my breath long enough, so for some reason i asked god for help and idk how i did but i got him and started swimming out not sure he was still alive. As soon as i took him out some other guy started like pusshing down on his chest and water started coming out of his mouth.. but dam it was so intense! :O

I was taking the PSSAs in Art class w/a friendWhen I was done my aunt& cousin Melissa was there & they were taking pictures and somehow I got the camera & then the bell rang but I was walking to my aunts house because she said I could stay there but my legs felt like jello. Every time I would walk my legs would give out. So, I finally just collapsed & a few kids came by on their bikes & then this one kid came by & was like "screw it" & threw his bike to the ground & walked right passed me. Then, he came back around but he was flying this time. So, he flew around for a while & when he came back around I whispered in his ear "Can you carry me?" he stopped & wrapped his arms around my stomach & asked "have you ever flew before?"& I was like no. Then, he brought me to the balconies.He was up above all of the balconies &then he went down which have me that falling sensation. Then he disappeared & I fell through the balconies as I reached the bottom I landed in an old bed my cousin used to have and it was enclosed. Then blood seeped through the ceiling and it formed a heart and wrote "like how she lost hers". Then I was able to move some things around to see the room but I was beginning to get claustrophobic but then I guess I fell asleep because I woke up and everything blocking me from getting out of the bed was gone and my baby cousin twins came running through my door. And then I woke up. But my cousin Melissa's husband was pretty much her superman because he was (and still is) obsessed with superman. But does this mean I'm getting my own superman? Am I going to lose him? Is my cousin going to lose her superman???

Long Ago I offered a very old person in a night around 1:00 AM and offered him the lift. We talked for around 20 minutes, I dropped him at his destination and just looked back, I won't found him then I see myself standing in front of cremation ground. I fly away my bike on full speed for long time between bushes and after some time I am on main road. During our talks he told me that now I would live for next more ten years, I take it likely. It was in year September 2004. In September 2012, he appeared once in my dream. Now past two months he appeared around more than 5 times. I have broken Lifeline also.

I'm at my Aunt's house in New Jersey at a family gathering and I see one of my coworkers, Jordan there. Jordan and I have known each other forever in the dream, almost as if we're family, which we aren't. We decide to go walk around the neighborhood when we meet an old man both of us know. He and Jordan get bikes and start biking through the neighborhood while I follow them with two dogs, both of them are apparently mine and they look exactly like my dead dog Benji, only one of them is female. The boys just ride their bikes up and down ditches while I follow them until we find my mother on the computer teaching English to her Korean students, but she's sitting like she's watching TV.

I was in a nighborhood qhere I grew up looking a a neighborhood that was dangerous. All of a sudden imwas on a bike and my passgers behind me were my girls and brother and his wife. i went down hill fast and realized it was a misstake. Inthe process, my passengers dissapeard. I looked for my parked car qnd them and they were all missing. I rold myself, " you are inaide a dream. Just count to three, tiu will wake up in your bed and be out of your dream". i did and woke up and looked around my bedroom. Never have I ever had a dream like this before,

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