I was looking for my husband, There were to #s 24 and 30 posted in front of two different doors. A bowl of small snakes on a silver rack in a yellowish clear liquid (some kind of preservation fluid) below to somehow an alive horse head. As I continue looking for my husband i was asked to jump in the back of a some kind of golf cart. As this Asian woman is driving all I was able to see was some kind of clean brown cave with Asian people working, like mud but we didn't get any where because I woke up. Can you help to interpret this dream? March 21, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
A asian man was climbing into bedroom window for harmful reasons February 12, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Soñe que mi esposo me deja por otro amor y lloro demasiado, que me siento mal cuando despierto y lo veo a mi lado May 21, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was looking for my husband, Doors with numbers 24 and 30, A bowl of small snakes on a silver rack in a preservation clear liquid and a alive horse head, Asian woman driving golf car, and all I was able to see was some kind of clean brown cave but got nowhere because I woke up. Can you help to interpret this dream? March 21, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
My sister recently was killed overseas on holiday and I dream of her and sometimes myself with Asian Ppl which is where she died March 20, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at Starbucks with my father, my cousin Asia, and my friend Aerial. Note that I have not seen or talked to my cousin Asia in over a year. As I am standing in line at one of the cashiers, I notice Tim Tebow ordering a coffee not too far from me. I realize that he has an orange tan, and looks burnt. Aerial walks over to him, and asks for his autograph, and my father does the same.Then, I walk over there and say, "I was really happy when you beat the Steelers, but I was happier when we beat you". He gives me a blank stare. All of a sudden, I am transported to a clothing store and I am trying on tube tops. I do not purchase anything. Then, I am in the car, traveling through a pond with my mother, father, and Aerial. I do not know what happened to Asia or how my mother got in the car. We arrive home and I realize that my mother is no longer in the car. No one seems to notice and we walk into my home, where my mom is cooking in the kitchen. March 10, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Talking to aunt about some thing in some kind of swamp. See an aligator or croc, Cant tell diffrence. I say some thing along the lines of oh my god. She says some thing about it having to do with gps Look behind me there is a path with a wood fence, a bear comes in the opening roars, walks away. I look away, it charges me Hits me in the gut or lower. Morphs into a bull, then black out. wake up a asian friend house at my old appartment. looking for some thing dont know what, Search for 5 min then leave. Walk over to the appartment pools, a few people there standing still as statues. Notice some one in a weird black mask and robe following me, Forget about them and go around the pool Girl comes up behind me, i think i love her. We go up to the appartment i used to live at and go in. Green carpet almost empty kinda trashed. Looking very poor. eat etc, then black out again. Wake up in some kind of camp on a hill over looking a forest and a wide open grassy plain. Lots of people there mostly kids 17-24 go into some sort of hut see girls i think i know. Remember talking about a car or some thing, or a horse. and the horse needing gas Decide i want to go back home, some girl comes with me and we go to look for fuel, we run down a road on the side of the hill bordering both the forest and the open plain. Feels kinda trench like. Hear screaming moaning and powerful booming voices up the road and see a fight. Best guess it would be greek gods? Keep running i run ahead of girl and lose track of her. run a bit down the road and see what i would say is an army of snakes Just thousands of snakes. And then i run back up the hill to the camp and while im running i notice a few hundred bow and arrows Most of them are lighting yellow a few red ones, some blue. And one black one. The yellow ones are themed like lightning blots And so are the arrows. I stop to think to pick one up i reach down to do it. Then i wake up April 11, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was looking for my husband, There were to numbers 24 and 30 posted in front of two different doors. A bowl of small snakes on a silver rack in a preservation clear liquid, below to somehow an alive horse head. As I continue looking for my husband i was asked to ride in a golf cart. As this Asian woman is driving all I was able to see was some kind of clean brown cave but we didn't get any where because I woke up. Can you help to interpret this dream? March 21, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis