Understand My Dreams

Dreams another

Called ex about concert tickets. Shows up to where he’s at with Another ex’s sister at a Concert. Fell into the toilet in the bathroom. Some lady gave me a white wristband. Some other lady stole my shoe and I knocked her out. Tyler, Briana and I tried to run from the cops. They left me behind and locked the cage door. I ran circles in the cage while there was an animal in the cage after me while lights shown on me and I was being watched . Black I think. Started jumping the fence to get away but jumped it over and over and over a lot of times.

Almost Lucid. In my house, I walk through an upstairs hallway. I look into one bedroom where I spend a short period looking at the objects that exist in it. A figure appears. Its cloaked, and points at me. It leads me to another room parallel. The door leads to an open ceiled room. It is rectangular, and on all sides architectural arcades span the walls. A long dining table sits at one side of the room. The cloaked figure points towards it. I see my family sitting in stokades and shackles, and finally they walk in chains.

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