Three witches casting a spell while stabbing my back saying things repeated
Pushing me from the roof or stabbing me or shooting me
I was in a hotel having dinner with family and friends and then suddenly outside some gun shots and people gathering. Hotel closed down immediately. All chaos and there was a small child that i was trying to hold on to. DOnt know whose child (as I dont have any). Walking back home with my dad and then see car passing by damaged with gun shots. Further walking ahead on the road in the night with my dad going home... see a big open truck with white bed and soo much of blood and then another vehicle passing by with somebody on the bed and stabbing someone to death... it left me soo much disturbed... donno why. I havent watched any movies or havent been out either of late.
I had a dream where a lion bit me on my butt then it turned into a black man wit 2 machete knives stabbing me in a dwn wards motion toward my ribs an the other was n my chest.
Was with my current boyfriend when my ex burst in with a knife i feared for the safety of my current bf, but then my ex started stabbing himself and i tried to help him stop, and he kissed me and i liked it really weird dream but im worried cause i liked my ex kissing me even thop i was scared at first when he burst in the room , i then started having sexual feelings for him and cant stop thinking about him now since this dream, am i crazy lol
I dreamnt of stabbing a friend
Stabbing my 5 year old student
Dream that i am stabbing someone with a knife
I was laying in bed and my boyfriend was on top of me stabbing me in the chest repeatedly and violently. It was scary
Stabbing best friend