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Dreams painting

Found 138 dreams containing painting - Page 14

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I had a dream that I was driving late at night, and pulled into a driveway, and went into a house. The house felt familiar, as if I had stayed there before. The house did not belong to me, and I did not know the owner. I thought the person who lived in the house was gone, but when I went to use the bathroom, I passed by them in a room,the woman was painting, and there were other women in the same room. When I left the bathroom, I went into the room and asked to speak to the owner of the house. I told her that I had broken into her home, she said it was fine, and that I was welcome to stay the night. I was surprised by her response, because I assumed she would have called the police.

Female and Male are at some Island place trying to discover their roots, some sort of mystery about their history. Adam and friends brother bike ride together. Adam feels a part of things. Then Female and Male each find a red flower. Looks like a red tulip. The flowers are almost identical to each other, they compare them to a painting they have of what the flower they were looking for is supposed to look like and its clear that its a match. The drawing is in black and white but the tulips are red. Adam is lurking nearby as he has just come up the mountain, female and male call out his name as realize he is lurking behind them. They know Adam feels left out. They know he is dangerous because his ex- girlfriend has told them over a phone call that Adam has a gun and wants to kill. Male asks, does he wants to kill us both. His ex- girlfriend says no, just the female. At this point I know the male is Jon and I'm the female who Adam wants to kill. There is a point where we are running from him in an empty auditorium. The mountain that we're on with flowers is suddenly a building that is trying to lock us down and everyone inside is trying to get us. Jon kicks open the door which is like a heavy school door and we run outside. there is a cop in the dark courtyard. The cop was our friend of ours but is now dressed as a cop and trying to shoot at us. His gun is jammed. We are running to the barbed wire fence, we find a place where there isn't barbed wire on the top of the fence and I'm on Jon's back like he's King Kong and he crawls up the fence and as he's taking us to safety I know the cops gun could unjam at any moment and he could kill us. We make it to the other side without cop successfully shooting us. We start running. We come across a Norwegian girl in a paddle-car, like a paddle boat type car where its propelled by her feet. We ask her if she knows a taxi's number. She says yes but that she likes her car. We tell her its for us, not for her. She shouts out a taxi number which I memorize. We're still running, we pass 3 guys in the street, one with a bowl of chanukah gelt for people to take as they pass. As we're running by I'm wondering if he has milk chocolate gelt in the bowl. I look in the bowl and see the mesh bags with silver coins, so i know they're dark chocolate, they I see the orange mesh bags which mean there is milk chocolate. I take a bag and ask if he knows a taxi number, he shouts one out but i dont think I'm able to memorize all the numbers cuz hes shouting them as we're running away. A street cleaner truck is barreling down the block right where we're running on the edge of street, he could kill us with the street cleaner truck running us down but he makes a u-turn because hes not able to complete his street clean with us in the way. I wake up around here. Felt like Jon was the hero in this movie of a dream and he saved us and carried me to safety, running away from the killer, anxious. A nightmare-hero dream.

I am in a rectangular chaped prism, that is very thin and long. I am laying down with my head facing up and i cant move because the prism is so small. The prism starts to move and it is filled with colorful paintings and lights. i can feel it moving, and all of a sudden i fell it drop into water. I know that i am in water, but i cant see anything because i am trapped inside this rectangular tunnel, and i cant move. I am just lying on my back. It broke down, and it cant get out of the water. i start freaking out and trying to squirm but im completely stuck in this tiny space. thats when i usually wake up and sit up right away to make sure i'm not actually trapped.

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